
flourished 2nd century AD, Alexandria

Founder of the Basilidian school of Gnosticism.

According to Clement of Alexandria, Basilides claimed to base his teaching on a secret tradition of Peter the Apostle. He wrote psalms, odes, commentaries on the Gospels, and his own gospel. Fragments of these writings and varying accounts by Clement, St. Irenaeus, and others suggest that his system of belief included elements from Neoplatonism as well as the New Testament. The school survived in Egypt until the 4th century.

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Syrian philosopher
flourished 2nd century AD, , Alexandria

      scholar and teacher, who founded a school of Gnosticism known as the Basilidians. He probably was a pupil of Menander in Antioch, and he was teaching in Alexandria at the time of the Roman emperors Hadrian and Antonius Pius.

      Clement of Alexandria, a Christian theologian of the 3rd century AD, wrote that Basilides claimed to have received a secret traditionon which he apparently based his gnosis, or esoteric knowledgefrom Glaucias, an interpreter of the Apostle Peter. In addition to psalms and odes, Basilides wrote commentaries on the Gospels and also compiled agospelfor his own sect; only fragments of these writings have been preserved. Contradictory accounts of Basilides' theology have been provided by Clement, as well as by the theologians Hippolytus of Rome and Saint Irenaeus. While interpreters cite elements of Neoplatonism, the New Testament, and other Gnostic systems, description of the Basilidian system of belief remains incomplete.

      Basilides was succeeded by his son, Isidore, and the Basilidian school still existed in Egypt in the 4th century. Its followers were the first to keep the day of Jesus' baptism on January 6 or 10, celebrating it with an all-night vigil.

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