Bannockburn, Battle of

Bannockburn, Battle of
(June 23–24, 1314) Decisive battle in Scottish history, at which the Scots under Robert the Bruce (later Robert I) defeated the English under Edward II.

The Scots were outnumbered three to one by the English soldiers, but they triumphed through masterly use of terrain, forcing the English onto a cramped, marshy battlefield with little room to maneuver. The English forces were put to flight, and many were slaughtered by the pursuing Scots. The victory cleared the last English troops from Scotland and secured Scottish independence, confirming Robert as king of the Scots.

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▪ England-Scotland
      (June 23–24, 1314), decisive battle in Scottish history, whereby the Scots under Robert the Bruce defeated the English (England) under Edward II, regained their independence, and established Bruce on his throne as Robert I.

      By the time of the battle, all Scotland had been cleared of English troops with the exception of Stirling Castle, which the governor had promised to surrender if not relieved by June 24. To meet the large army that Edward II had collected for this purpose, Bruce assembled his smaller force first at Torwood and then at the new park, a mile or two south of Stirling, where the trees would hamper attack by the superior English cavalry. He had taken up his position there when the English vanguard appeared on June 23.

      The Scottish army, consisting almost entirely of pikemen, was outnumbered by at least three to one by the English foot soldiers and cavalry; but, by masterly use of the terrain, the Scots were able to overcome the superior numbers of the enemy. The English army, confined in a small, marsh-bordered area between the Bannock Burn (stream) and the River Forth, had insufficient room for their cavalry and men to maneuver effectively. Bruce took advantage of the enemy's confusion and attacked. The defeated English army was finally put to flight by a charge of about 2,000 Scots—whether light armed troops or camp followers is uncertain—who swept down from Gillies Hill, which overlooked the battlefield to the west. The subsequent slaughter was immense, and many of those who survived the wrath of the Scots perished in the Bannock Burn and the morasses beyond. Edward II escaped by a circuitous route to Dunbar and thence to England.

      Exact estimates of the numbers engaged are impossible, but the English had probably about 3,000 horse and 20,000 foot, the Scots perhaps 10,000 altogether or even as few as 5,000. English losses in killed and prisoners included the earls of Gloucester and Hereford, more than 60 barons and bannerets, and many scores of knights. The Scots claimed to have lost only two knights but numerous pikemen. The Scots regard the battle as the culmination of their War of Independence. Shocked by their defeat, the English began to adopt the Scots' tactic of fighting on foot. Bannockburn, like the Battle of the Golden Spurs, initiated a new form of warfare in Europe in which the infantry dominated the battlefield.

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