Bahāʾ Ullāh

Bahāʾ Ullāh
orig. Mīrzā Ḥoseyn ʽAli Nūrī

born Nov. 12, 1817, Tehrān, Iran
died May 29, 1872, Acre, Palestine

Iranian religious leader, founder of the Bahāī faith.

A Shīʽite Muslim who allied himself with the Bāb, he joined his half brother Mīrzā Yaḥyā (known as Ṣobḥ-e Azal) in leading the Bābī movement after the Bāb's execution. Sunnite Muslims exiled him to Baghdad, Kurdistan, and finally Constantinople, where in 1867 he declared himself the imam-mahdi foretold by the Bāb and sent by God. This pronouncement split Bābism into two factions, with a small group (the Azalī) adhering to its original beliefs and a larger group following him into what became the Bahāʾī faith. The Ottoman government banished him to Acre where, as Bahāʾ Ullāh, he developed Bahāʾī into a teaching that advocated the unity of all religions and universal human brotherhood.

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▪ Iranian religious leader
also spelled  Bahāʾ Allāh (Arabic: “Glory of God”),  original name  (Persian) Mīrzā Ḥoseyn ʿalī Nūrī, (Arabic) Mīrzā Ḥusayn ʿalī Nūrī  
born Nov. 12, 1817, Tehrān, Iran
died May 29, 1892, Acre, Palestine [now ʿAkko, Israel]

      founder of the Bahāʾī faith upon his claim to be the manifestation of the unknowable God.

      Mīrzā Ḥoseyn was a member of the Shīʿite branch of Islām. He subsequently allied himself with Mīrzā ʿAlī Moḥammad of Shīrāz, who was known as the Bāb (Bāb, the) (Arabic: “Gateway”) and was the head of the Bābī, a Muslim sect professing a privileged access to final truth. After the Bāb's execution by the Iranian government for treason (1850), Mīrzā Ḥoseyn joined Mīrzā Yaḥyā (also called Ṣobḥ-e Azal), his own half brother and the Bāb's spiritual heir, in directing the Bābī movement. Mīrzā Yaḥyā later was discredited, and Mīrzā Ḥoseyn was exiled by orthodox Sunnite Muslims successively to Baghdad, Kurdistan, and Constantinople (Istanbul). There, in 1867, he publicly declared himself to be the divinely chosen imām-mahdī (“rightly guided leader”), whom the Bāb had foretold. The resulting factional violence caused the Ottoman government to banish Mīrzā Ḥoseyn to Acre (Akkoʿ).

      At Acre, Bahāʾ Ullāh, as he was by then called, developed the formerly provincial Bahāʾī doctrine into a comprehensive teaching that advocated the unity of all religions and the universal brotherhood of man. Emphasizing social ethics, he eschewed ritual worship and devoted himself to the abolition of racial, class, and religious prejudices. His place of confinement in Acre became a centre of pilgrimage for Bahāʾī believers from Iran and the United States.

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Universalium. 2010.

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