Aung San

Aung San
born 1914?, Natmauk, Burma
died July 19, 1947, Rangoon

Nationalist leader of Burma (Myanmar).

He led a student strike in 1936 and became secretary-general of a nationalist group in 1939. He accepted Japanese aid in raising a military force in Burma that helped the Japanese in their 1942 invasion. However, he came to doubt that the Japanese would ever allow Burma to become independent and grew displeased with their treatment of Burmese forces, and in 1945 he switched to the Allied cause. After the war, he effectively became prime minister and negotiated Burma's independence, which was agreed on in 1947; he was assassinated before independence was achieved in 1948.

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Myanmar nationalist
born , 1914?, Natmauk, Burma [now Myanmar]
died July 19, 1947, Rangoon [now Yangon]
 Burmese nationalist leader and assassinated hero who was instrumental in securing Burma's independence from Great Britain. Before World War II Aung San was actively anti-British; he then allied with the Japanese during World War II, but switched to the Allies before leading the Burmese drive for autonomy.

      Born of a family distinguished in the resistance movement after the British annexation of 1886, Aung San became secretary of the students' union at Rangoon University and, with U Nu, led the students' strike there in February 1936. After Burma's separation from India in 1937 and his graduation in 1938, he worked for the nationalist Dobama Asi-ayone (“We-Burmans Association”), becoming its secretary-general in 1939.

      While seeking foreign support for Burma's independence in 1940, Aung San was contacted in China by the Japanese. They then assisted him in raising a Burmese military force to aid them in their 1942 invasion of Burma. Known as theBurma Independence Army,” it grew with the advance of the Japanese and tended to take over the local administration of occupied areas. Serving as minister of defense in Ba Maw's puppet government (194345), Aung San became skeptical of Japanese promises of Burmese independence, even if an unlikely Japanese victory were to occur, and was displeased with their treatment of Burmese forces. Thus, in March 1945, Major General Aung San switched his Burma National Army to the Allied cause.

      After the Japanese surrender in August 1945, the British sought to incorporate his forces into the regular army, but he held key members back, forming the People's Volunteer Organization. This was ostensibly a veterans' association interested in social service, but it was in fact a private political army designed to take the place of his Burma National Army and to be used as a major weapon in the struggle for independence.

      Having helped form the Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League (AFPFL), an underground movement of nationalists, in 1944, Aung San used that united front to become deputy chairman of Burma's Executive Council in late 1946. In effect he was prime minister but remained subject to the British governor's veto. After conferring with the British prime minister Clement Attlee in London, he announced an agreement (Jan. 27, 1947) that provided for Burma's independence within one year. In the election for a constitutional assembly in April 1947, his AFPFL won 196 of 202 seats. Though communists had denounced him as atool of British imperialism,” he supported a resolution for Burmese independence outside the British Commonwealth.

      On July 19, the prime minister and six colleagues, including his brother, were assassinated in the council chamber in Rangoon while the executive council was in session. His political rival, U Saw, interned in Uganda during the war, was later executed for his part in the killings.

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