Atitlán, Lake

Atitlán, Lake
Lake, southwestern Guatemala.

It lies at an elevation of about 4,700 ft (1,430 m) in the central highlands. Occupying a crater some 1,000 ft (300 m) deep, the lake is 12 mi (19 km) long and 6 mi (10 km) wide. On its borders are three volcanoes: Atitlán, Tolimán, and San Pedro. Many of the towns along the lake, including Atitlán and San Lucas, are popular tourist destinations.

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Spanish  Lago de Atitlán 

      lake in southwestern Guatemala. It lies in a spectacular setting in the central highlands at about 5,128 feet (1,563 metres) above sea level. The lake, 1,049 feet (320 metres) deep, is 12 miles (19 km) long and 6 miles (10 km) wide, with an area of 49.3 square miles (127.7 square km). It occupies a valley dammed by volcanic ash; on its borders are three cone-shaped volcanoes: Atitlán, Tolimán, and San Pedro. The shores of the picturesque lake are dotted with Indian villages. The main towns along the lake, including Panajachel, Atitlán, and San Lucas, are popular with anthropologists and tourists. The lake is located about 90 miles (145 km) by road west of Guatemala City. Cakchiquel and Tzutujil Maya make up about nine-tenths of the population in the surrounding area.

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  • Atitlán — /ah tee tlahn /, n. Lake, a crater lake in SW Guatemala, 4700 ft. (1433 m) above sea level. ab. 53 sq. mi. (137 sq. km) …   Useful english dictionary

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