Astor, John Jacob

Astor, John Jacob
orig. Johann Jakob Astor

born July 17, 1763, Waldorf, Ger.
died March 29, 1848, New York, N.Y., U.S.

German-born U.S. fur magnate and financier.

After emigrating from Germany at age17, he opened a fur-goods shop in New York с 1786. By 1800 he was a leader in the fur trade, and he established the American Fur Co. He controlled the fur trade with China (180017) and in the Mississippi and Missouri valleys (in the 1820s) before selling his interests in 1834. His investment in New York City real estate became the foundation of the family fortune. At his death, Astor was the wealthiest person in the U.S.; he willed $400,000 to found what became the New York Public Library. His son, William B. Astor (17921875), greatly expanded the family real-estate holdings, building more than 700 stores and dwellings in the city.

John Jacob Astor, detail of an oil painting by Gilbert Stuart, 1794; in the Brook Club, New York.

Courtesy of the Frick Art Reference Library

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American businessman [1763-1848]
born July 17, 1763, Waldorf, Ger.
died March 29, 1848, New York City
 fur magnate and founder of a renowned family of Anglo-American capitalists, business leaders, and philanthropists. His American Fur Company is considered the first U.S. business monopoly.

      Astor started a fur-goods shop in New York City about 1786 after learning about the fur trade while aboard the ship that brought him to the U.S. Benefitting from the Jay Treaty between England and the U.S. (1794) that opened up new markets in Canada and the Great Lakes region, and from shrewd dealings with Indian tribes, he had by 1800 amassed $250,000 and become the leading figure in the fur trade. Given permission to trade in ports monopolized by the British East India Company, he made lucrative fur transactions in China (180017), but his plan to establish a network of fur-trading posts around Astoria (now in Oregon) failed when the British captured the post during the War of 1812.

      At the same time, however, Astor invested in New York City real estate that became the foundation of the family fortune. His son, William Backhouse Astor (17921875), greatly expanded the family real estate holdings, building more than 700 stores and dwellings in New York City. The wealthiest person in the U.S. at the time of his death, the senior Astor bequeathed $400,000 for the founding of a public library, the Astor Library, in New York City, which was consolidated with others as the New York Public Library in 1895.

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