
Early region, western Canada.

Named for the Assiniboin Indians, it was an area with indefinite boundaries, controlled by the Hudson's Bay Co. с 181170. It included present-day southern Manitoba and until 1818, present-day North Dakota and Minnesota. It was incorporated into Manitoba in 1870. In 1882 the Canadian government created another district of Assininboia as part of the old Northwest Territories. In 1905 this district was divided between Alberta and Saskatchewan.

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      region of western Canada, named for the Assiniboin Indians and the Assiniboine River, demarcated as a district in three different forms during the 19th and early 20th centuries.

      Assiniboia was the official name of the Red River Settlement formed in 1811 by a grant from the Hudson's Bay Company; it included present-day southern Manitoba and (until 1818) the Red River Valley in what is now North Dakota. In 1836 the company reacquired the region and created theDistrict of Assiniboia,” which comprised an area within a 50-mile radius of Ft. Garry (on the site of present-day Winnipeg, Man.). It was administered by a local governor and council appointed by the Hudson's Bay Company. When Manitoba was created in 1870, the district was incorporated into that province.

      In 1882 the Canadian government created another District of Assiniboia as part of the old Northwest Territories. It extended westward from the boundary of Manitoba to the District of Alberta and was bounded on the north by the District of Saskatchewan and on the south by the CanadaUnited States border. In 1905 Assiniboia was largely incorporated into the new province of Saskatchewan.

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  • Assiniboia — refers to a number of different locations and administrative jurisdictions in Canada. The name is taken from the Assiniboine First Nation. Contents 1 Historical usage 1.1 (Old) District of Assiniboia 1.2 District of Assiniboia …   Wikipedia

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