Ash{ʽ}arī, Abū al-Ḥasan al-
- Ash{ʽ}arī, Abū al-Ḥasan al-
born 873/874, Basra, Iraq
died 935/936, Baghdad
Muslim Arab theologian.
He probably belonged to the family of Abū Mūsā al-
one of the Companions of the Prophet.
He joined the Mutazilah school and compiled scholarly opinions in his Maqālāt al-Islāmīyīn ("
Theological Opinions of the Muslims").
At about age 40 he concluded that his method had led to sterile concepts of God and humanity,
and he turned to more orthodox theology.
He expanded his Maqālāt and authored Kitāb al-Lumaʽ ("
The Luminous Book").
Reflecting on the ideas of al-
Muhāsibī and others,
he created his own school,
which became known as the Khorāsān,
or Ashʽarite,
See also Ashariyyah.
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Ashʿarī, Abū al-Ḥasan al- — ▪ Muslim theologian born 873/874, Basra, Iraq died c. 935, /936, Baghdad Muslim Arab theologian noted for having integrated the rationalist methodology of the speculative theologians into the framework of orthodox Islām. In his Maqālāt al… … Universalium
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al-Ash'ari — /al ash euh ree /, n. Abu l Hasan /ah booh al ha san /, A.D. c873 936, the formulator of the classical synthesis in Islamic philosophical theology known as Ash arism … Useful english dictionary