Armenian language

Armenian language
Indo-European language of the Armenians.

It is spoken by perhaps five to six million people worldwide. Armenian has undergone phonetic and grammatical changes that make it completely distinct from other branches of Indo-European; its closest affinity may be with Greek, though this hypothesis has been vigorously disputed. Its long history of contact with Iranian languages has resulted in the adoption of many Persian loanwords. According to tradition, the unique Armenian alphabet was created by the cleric Mesrop Mashtots in AD 406 or 407. Armenian of the 5th9th centuries (Grabar, or Classical Armenian) was employed as the literary language into modern times. A 19th-century cultural revival led to the formation of two new literary languages: West Armenian, based on the speech of Istanbul Armenians, and East Armenian, based on the speech of Transcaucasian Armenians. Because of a long tradition of emigration and the massacres and expulsions during the last decades of Ottoman rule, most speakers of West Armenian live outside Anatolia. East Armenian is the language of the present-day Republic of Armenia.

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Armenian  Hayeren , also spelled  Haieren 

      language that forms a separate branch of the Indo-European language family (Indo-European languages); it was once erroneously considered a dialect of Iranian (Iranian languages). In the early 21st century the Armenian language is spoken by some 6.7 million individuals. The majority (about 3.4 million) of these live in Armenia, and most of the remainder live in Georgia and Russia. More than 100,000 Armenian speakers live in Iran. Until the early 20th century, an Armenian population had lived in Turkey in the area around Lake Van since ancient times; a small minority of Armenians lives in Turkey today. Armenians also live in Lebanon, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Iraq, France, Bulgaria, the United States, and elsewhere.

      Several distinct varieties of the Armenian language can be distinguished: Old Armenian (Grabar), Middle Armenian (Miǰin hayerên), and Modern Armenian, or Ašxarhabar (Ashkharhabar). Modern Armenian embraces two written varietiesWestern Armenian (Arewmtahayerên) and Eastern Armenian (Arewelahayerên)—and many dialects are spoken. About 50 dialects were known before 1915, when the Armenian population of Turkey was drastically reduced by means of massacre and forced exodus; some of these dialects were mutually unintelligible.

Origins of the language
      Armenian belongs to the satem (satəm) group of Indo-European languages; this group includes those languages in which the palatal stops became palatal or alveolar fricatives (fricative), such as Slavic (Slavic languages) (with Baltic) and Indo-Iranian (Indo-Iranian languages). Armenian also shows at least one characteristic of the centum groupcomprising Celtic (Celtic languages), Germanic (Germanic languages), Italic (Italic languages), and Greek (Greek language)—in that it preserves occasional palatal stops as k-like sounds.

      Precisely how and when the first Armenians arrived in eastern Anatolia and the areas surrounding Lakes Van, Sevan, and Urmia is not known. It is possible that they reached that territory as early as the second half of the 2nd millennium BC. Their presence as the successors to the local Urartians can be dated to approximately 520 BC, when the names Armina and Armaniya first appear in the Old Persian cuneiform inscription of Darius I (the Great) at Behistun (present-day Bisitun (Bīsitūn), Iran). A variation of that early designation, Armenian, is the name by which the people who call themselves Hay are known worldwide.

 The invention of the Armenian alphabet is traditionally credited to the monk St. Mesrop Mashtots (Mesrop Mashtots, Saint), who in AD 405 created an alphabet consisting of 36 signs (two were added later) based partly on Greek letters; the direction of writing (left to right) also followed the Greek model. This new alphabet was first used to translate the Hebrew Bible and the Christian New Testament.

      Grabar, as the language of the first translation was known, became the standard for all subsequent literature, and its use produced what has come to be considered the golden age of Armenian literature. It concealed the noticeable dialectal variations of the spoken language and was used for literary, historical, theological, scientific, and even practical everyday texts. The first Armenian periodical, Azdarar (1794), was also printed in Grabar, although by the end of the 18th century the spoken language had so diverged from the written that the language of the periodical was not widely understood.

      This divergence had been evident from roughly the 7th century, and, beginning in the 11th century, a variation of the spoken language (now called Middle Armenian) was also written. One of the territorial varieties of Middle Armenian became the official language of Lesser Armenia, the kingdom of Cilicia ruled by the Rubenid and Hethumid dynasties from the 11th to the 14th century.

      By the 19th century the discrepancy between Grabar (which had continued to prevail as the written language) and the spoken language (which had by then splintered into numerous dialects) had grown so vast that a movement arose to elaborate a modern standard language that would be comprehensible to all and fit for use in schools. This movement eventually yielded two diglossic varieties of Ašxarhabar (Ashkharhabar), the modern standard language; Grabar remained the language of formal high style during the 19th century.

      Western Armenian (formerly known asArmenian of Turkey”) was based on the dialect of the Armenian community of Istanbul, and Eastern Armenian (formerly known asArmenian of Russia”) was based on the dialects of Yerevan (Armenia) and Tbilisi (Georgia). Both Eastern and Western Armenian were purged ofMuslimwords (Arabic, Persian, and Turkish loanwords), which were replaced by words taken from Grabar. Loanwords in Grabar (from Greek, Syriac, and, most numerous of all, ancient Iranian), however, were considered part of the native traditional vocabulary and were fully absorbed.

      Western Armenian is used by Armenians living in Turkey and some Arab countries as well as in emigrant communities in Europe and the United States. Eastern Armenian is prevalent in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Iran. Although they share almost the same vocabulary, the important divergences in pronunciation and the grammatical differences between the two varieties are so significant that they may be considered two different languages.

Linguistic characteristics

      Old Armenian had seven vowel phonemes (phoneme): /a/, /e/, /ê/ (from *ey; an asterisk indicates a reconstructed rather than an attested form), /ə/, /i/, /o/, and /u/ (written o + w). In the modern language there is only one /e/. The vowel /ə/ is reduced and cannot be stressed. Semivowels were /y/ and /w/, consonantal variants of /i/ and /u/ that in certain positions in Modern Armenian have developed into the fricatives (fricative) /h/ and /v/ or have merged with adjacent vowels. Sonants included the trilled r // and single-flap r, a velarized l /ł/ (which developed into the velar fricative gh /γ / in all dialects), l /l/, and the nasals m /m/ and n /n/.

      Old Armenian and modern fricatives are v /v/ (perhaps a positional variant of w), s /s/ (originating partly from Proto-Indo-European palatal k', as in other satem languages), š /sh/, z /z/, ž /zh/, x  /χ/ (=  kh, uvular), and h /h/. The modern language also has an f /f/.

      The most characteristic of the Armenian consonants (consonant) are plosives (stop) (i.e., stops and affricates). In Old Armenian they formed a system of 15 phonemes with three types of articulationvoiced, voiceless, and voiceless aspiratedin every point of articulation: b-p-p‘; d-t-t‘; g-k-k‘; j-c-c‘ (/= dz/-/= ts/-/= ts‘/); ǰ-č-č (/=  English j/-/= English ch/-/= ch‘/). According to some linguists, Old Armenian b, d, g, j, and ǰ were voiced aspirated and p, t, k, c, and č glottalized.

      That system had developed from Proto-Indo-European plain consonants and some clusters as a result of palatalization processes as well as the so-called consonant shift, a process including the devoicing of Proto-Indo-European voiced consonants. The consonant shift in Proto-Armenian had some similarities to the Proto-Germanic shift (see Grimm's law), although these processes were independent of one another. It should be mentioned that this explanation of the origin of Armenian plosives is a traditional one. Some glottalist linguists claim that the Old Armenian system had not undergone any important changes from the Proto-Indo-European system, which they interpret in a manner quite different from the traditional view. Namely, they argue that Proto-Indo-European stops traditionally reconstructed as voiced *b, d, g, j, and ǰ were in fact glottalized voiceless *p', t', k', c', and č'.

      Modern dialects as well as the two modern literary languages have retained many aspects of the Old Armenian system. In modern forms of Armenian the stress falls on the last syllable of a word. In the initial position, Eastern Armenian has voiced or, in some dialects, voiced aspirated consonants corresponding to Old Armenian b, d, g, j, and ǰ; intensive voiceless slightly glottalized plosives in place of Old Armenian p, t, k, c, and č; and voiceless slightly aspirated plosives in place of Old Armenian p‘, t‘, k‘, c‘, and č ‘. In medial and final position the correspondences are different.

      In Western Armenian, Old Armenian b, d, g, j, and ǰ are pronounced as voiceless and, in some dialects, voiceless aspirated, having merged with Old Armenian p‘, t‘, k‘, c‘, and č ‘, whereas Old Armenian p, t, k, c, and č are pronounced as /b/, /d/, /g/, /j/, and /ǰ/ in all Western dialects. An example of the difference between the two varieties of Modern Armenian can be seen in two common personal names of Greek origin that are pronounced /Petros/ and /Grigor/ in Eastern Armenian, without any change as regards the voicing, but /Bedros/ and /Krikor/ in Western Armenian. This reveals consonant shifts in Armenian dialects that, all told, represent as many as seven types of development of the Old Armenian plosive system. The highly variegated picture of Modern Armenian consonants seems to corroborate the idea that Armenian has been ashiftlanguage from its very beginning.

Morphology and syntax
      Old Armenian had preserved to some degree the general morphological character of older Indo-European languages based on the inflexion of nouns and verbs. It was close typologically to Greek, though the shapes of words were very, even surprisingly, different. The nominal and pronominal declension had seven cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative, instrumental, and locative. However, many of these forms overlapped so that usually only three or four different forms existed; e.g., žamtime' was both nominative and accusative, žamê was ablative, and žamu was genitive, dative, instrumental, and locative. A special form of locative was very rare. There was no gender category. The case endings varied for various types of stems.

      By means of distinctive endings, the verb distinguished three persons in singular and plural. The tenses were based on the present stem (present, imperfect, subjunctive present, and prohibitive) and the aorist past stem (aorist, subjunctive aorist, and imperative).

      The Modern Armenian noun has maintained and even developed this plan, especially in Eastern Armenian, which has the special locative ending -um in its declension. But, in comparison with Old Armenian (where case endings were different in singular and plural), Modern Armenian declension resembles rather the Turkish (Turkish language) or the Georgian type of agglutination. This resemblance is especially visible in Eastern Armenian, where plural forms usually have the same endings as the singularfor example, -i for genitive and dative, the only difference residing in the plural infixation -ner- inserted between the stem and the ending for multisyllabic nounse.g., ašakertpupil,' ašakert-iof pupil, to pupil,' ašakert-ner-iof pupils, to pupils.'

      There are significant differences between Eastern and Western Armenian in case endings and in the use of the definite article, expressed as -ə (after consonants) and -n (after vowels). For instance, in Eastern Armenian the definite article may not be used after the genitive: pat(-ə) ‘(the) wall,' pat-iof (the) wall,' pat-er(-ə) ‘(the) walls,' pat-er-i bothof walls' andof the walls.' In contrast, Western Armenian usage is, respectively, bad(-ə) ‘(the) wall,' bad-iof wall,' bad-i-nof the wall,' bad-er(-ə) ‘(the) walls,' bad-er-uof walls,' and bad-er-u-nof the walls.' Western Armenian has retained the Old Armenian ablative ending -ê, whereas Eastern Armenian has -ic‘; for instance, ‘from Armenia' is rendered as Hayastan-ê-n (with -n being the definite article) in Western Armenian and as Hayastan-icin Eastern Armenian.

      There are essential differences in the verb structures of the two varieties of Modern Armenian as well. Western Armenian, which is more conservative in this respect, forms the present tense by prefixing , a particle of unknown origin, to old forms, made up of the stem and personal endings. Eastern Armenian uses periphrastic forms: participle ending in -um (probably of locative origin) plus the copula em, es... ‘am, are…'. Thus, Old Armenian sir-emI love' is Western Armenian sir-em and Eastern Armenian sir-um em. The Old Armenian present tense has in both modern languages the value of a subjunctive. In Modern Armenian the passive is formed by means of the infixation -v-, as with sir-v-um emI am loved' (Eastern form).

      In Old Armenian a declined adjective could be placed before or after a noun; in the modern language it may only precede a noun and has no case endings, as in Turkish and Georgian. Similarly, in Modern Armenian the genitive always precedes a noun. Postpositions are preferred to prepositions in Modern Armenian, unlike in Old Armenian. In other respects, Armenian word order is relatively free.

Andrzej Pisowicz

Additional Reading
Early studies of the Armenian language are in German and French. English-language sources include S.L. Kogian, Armenian Grammar (West Dialect) (1949); Robert Godel, An Introduction to the Study of Classical Armenian (1975); Natalia A. Kozintseva, Modern Eastern Armenian (1995); Louisa Baghdasarian and R. David Zorc, Armenian (Eastern)–English Dictionary (1995); R. David Zorc and Louisa Baghdasarian, Armenian (Eastern) Newspaper Reader and Grammar (1995); Roberto Ajello, “Armenian,” in Anna Giacalone Ramat and Paolo Ramat (eds.), Indo-European Languages (1998; originally published in Italian, 1953), pp. 197227; and Bert Vaux, The Phonology of Armenian (1998). Popular studies include Dora Sakayan, Modern Western Armenian for the English-Speaking World: A Contrastive Approach (2000); and Gayané Hagopian, Armenian for Everyone: Western and Eastern Armenian in Parallel Lessons (2005).

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Universalium. 2010.

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