
W. Slavic citadel-temple of the war-god Svantovit, built in the 9th10th century AD and destroyed in 1168/69 by Christian Danes when they stormed the island of Rügen in the southwestern Baltic.

According to Saxo Grammaticus, it was a log structure with red roof, surrounded by a yard and fence, carved and painted with symbols. The inner sanctum contained a statue of Svantovit with four heads and throats facing in opposite directions. Excavations in 1921 proved the temple's actual existence.

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ancient temple, Rügen, Germany
      West Slavic citadel-temple of the god Svantovit, dating from the 9th10th century AD and destroyed in 1168/69 by Christian Danes when they stormed the island of Rügen in the southwestern Baltic. Saxo Grammaticus, the 12th-century Danish historian, wrote that the Arkona was a wooden structure of consummate workmanship; around the temple extended a yard, and around this was a wooden fence, splendidly carved and bearing various painted symbols. The temple itself was log-built and was topped by a red roof; the inner chamber had partitions of heavy tapestry. In this inner sanctum loomed the statue of Svantovit, larger than life size, awe-inspiring with its four heads and throats joined together facing in opposite directions. Saxo mentions that not only the whole land of Wends but also Scandinavian neighbours paid tribute to Svantovit. When the statue was cut and removed, the Danes carried away seven boxes of treasures (gifts to the god). C. Schuchhardt's excavation in 1921 proved the actual existence of the temple. Repeated excavations in 196970 revealed an earlier layer of the sanctuary dated to the 10th and possibly 9th century AD.

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