Addams, Charles (Samuel)

Addams, Charles (Samuel)
born Jan. 7, 1912, Westfield, N.J., U.S.
died Sept. 29, 1988, New York, N.Y.

U.S. cartoonist.

He worked briefly as a commercial artist before selling his first cartoon to The New Yorker in 1933. He became famous for darkly humorous cartoons depicting morbid behaviour by sinister-looking characters, especially a family of ghouls whose activities travestied those of a conventional family; in one popular image, they prepare to pour boiling oil on a group of Christmas carolers. These evolved into The Addams Family, a 1960s television series that generated two Hollywood films.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Addams, Charles (Samuel) — (7 ene. 1912, Westfield, N.J., EE.UU.–29 sep. 1988, Nueva York, N.Y.). Caricaturista estadounidense. Trabajó por corto tiempo como artista comercial, antes de vender su primera caricatura a tyThe New Yorker/ty en 1933. Se hizo famoso por sus… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Charles Addams — Charles Samuel Addams (* 7. Januar 1912 in Westfield, New Jersey; † 29. September 1988 in New York) war ein US amerikanischer Cartoonist. Leben Er veröffentlichte in den 1930er bis 1980er Jahren regelmäßig Cartoons im The New Yorker Magazin. Dazu …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Addams —   [ ædəmz],    1) Chas, eigentlich Charles Samuel, amerikanischer Karikaturist, * Westfield (N. Y.) 7. 1. 1912, ✝ New York 5. 10. 1988; war seit 1935 Mitarbeiter der Zeitschrift »The New Yorker«; beispielgebend für den angelsächsischen »schwarzen …   Universal-Lexikon

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