Adams, John Quincy

Adams, John Quincy
born July 11, 1767, Braintree, Mass.
died Feb. 23, 1848, Washington, D.C., U.S.

Sixth president of the U.S. (182529).

He was the eldest son of John Adams, second president of the U.S., and Abigail Adams. He accompanied his father to Europe on diplomatic missions (177880) and was later appointed U.S. minister to the Netherlands (1794) and to Prussia (1797). In 1801 he returned to Massachusetts and served in the U.S. Senate (180308). Resuming his diplomatic service, he became U.S. minister to Russia (180911) and to Britain (181517). Appointed secretary of state (181724), he was instrumental in acquiring Florida from Spain and in drafting the Monroe Doctrine. He ran for the presidency in 1824 against three other candidates; none received a majority of the electoral votes, though Andrew Jackson received a plurality. By constitutional design, the selection of the president went to the House of Representatives, where Adams was elected after receiving crucial support from Henry Clay, who had finished third in the initial balloting. He appointed Clay secretary of state, which further angered Jackson. Adams's presidency was unsuccessful; when he ran for reelection, Jackson defeated him. In 1830 he was elected to the House, where he served until his death. He was outspoken in his opposition to slavery; in 1839 he proposed a constitutional amendment forbidding slavery in any new state admitted to the Union. Southern congressmen prevented discussion of antislavery petitions by passing gag rules (repealed in 1844 as a result of Adams's persistence). In 1841 he successfully defended the slaves in the Amistad mutiny case.

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president of United States
born July 11, 1767, Braintree [now Quincy], Massachusetts [U.S.]
died February 23, 1848, Washington, D.C., U.S.
  eldest son of President John Adams (Adams, John) and sixth president of the United States (182529). In his prepresidential years he was one of America's greatest diplomats (formulating, among other things, what came to be called the Monroe Doctrine); in his postpresidential years (as U.S. congressman, 183148) he conducted a consistent and often dramatic fight against the expansion of slavery. (For a discussion of the history and nature of the presidency, see presidency of the United States of America.)

Early life and career
      John Quincy Adams entered the world at the same time that his maternal great-grandfather, John Quincy, for many years a prominent member of the Massachusetts legislature, was leaving it; hence his name. He grew up as a child of the American Revolution. He watched the Battle of Bunker Hill (Bunker Hill, Battle of) from Penn's Hill and heard the cannons roar across the Back Bay. His patriot father, John Adams (Adams, John), at that time a delegate to the Continental Congress, and his patriot mother, Abigail Smith Adams (Adams, Abigail), had a strong molding influence on his education after the war had deprived Braintree of its only schoolmaster. In 1778 and again in 1780 the boy accompanied his father to Europe. He studied at a private school in Paris in 177879 and at the University of Leiden, Netherlands, in 1780. Thus, at an early age he acquired an excellent knowledge of the French language and a smattering of Dutch. In 1780, also, he began to keep regularly the diary that forms so conspicuous a record of his doings and those of his contemporaries through the next 60 years of American history. Self-appreciative, like most of the Adams clan, he once declared that, if his diary had been even richer, it might have become "next to the Holy Scriptures, the most precious and valuable book ever written by human hands."

      In 1781, at age 14, Adams accompanied Francis Dana, United States envoy to Russia, as his private secretary and interpreter of French. Dana, after lingering for more than a year in St. Petersburg, was not received by the Russian government, so in 1782 Adams, returning by way of Scandinavia, Hanover, and the Netherlands, joined his father in Paris. There he acted, in an informal way, as an additional secretary to the American commissioners in the negotiation of the Peace of Paris (Paris, Peace of) that concluded the American Revolution. Instead of remaining in London with his father, who had been appointed United States minister to the Court of St. James's, he chose to return to Massachusetts, where he attended Harvard College, graduating in 1787. He then read law at Newburyport under the tutelage of Theophilus Parsons, and in 1790 he was admitted to the bar in Boston. While struggling to establish a practice, he wrote a series of articles for the newspapers in which he controverted some of the doctrines in Thomas Paine (Paine, Thomas)'s Rights of Man. In another later series he ably supported the neutrality policy of George Washington (Washington, George)'s administration as it faced the war that broke out between France and England in 1793. These articles were brought to President Washington's attention and resulted in Adams's appointment as U.S. minister to the Netherlands in May 1794.

      The Hague was then the best diplomatic listening post in Europe for the War of the First Coalition against Revolutionary France. Young Adams's official dispatches to the secretary of state and his informal letters to his father, who was then the vice president, kept the government well informed of the diplomatic activities and wars of the distressed Continent and the danger of becoming involved in the European vortex. These letters were also read by President Washington: some of Adams's phrases, in fact, appeared in Washington's Farewell Address of 1796. During the absence of Thomas Pinckney (Pinckney, Thomas), the regular United States minister to Great Britain, Adams transacted public business in London with the British Foreign Office relating to the exchange of ratifications of the Jay Treaty of 1794 between the United States and Great Britain. In 1796 Washington, who came to regard young Adams as the ablest officer in the foreign service, appointed him minister to Portugal, but before his departure his father became president and changed the young diplomat's destination to Prussia.

      John Quincy Adams was married in London in 1797, on the eve of his departure for Berlin, to Louisa Catherine Johnson (Louisa Adams (Adams, Louisa)), daughter of the United States consul Joshua Johnson, a Marylander by birth, and his wife, Katherine Nuth, an Englishwoman. Adams had first met her when he was 12 years old and his father was minister to France. Fragile in health, she suffered from migraine headaches and fainting spells. Yet she proved to be a gracious hostess who played the harp and was learned in Greek, French, and English literature. Accompanying her husband on his various missions in Europe, she came to be regarded as one of the most-traveled women of her time.

      Johnson was not, however, Adams's first love. When he was 14 years old, he had had acrushon an actress he saw perform in France, and for years afterward, he confessed, she was in his dreams. At age 22 he fell deeply in love with one Mary Frazier but was dissuaded from marrying her by his mother, who insisted that he was not able to support a wife. Ultimately, Adams could see that, in marrying a rich heiress like Louisa Johnson, he might be able to enjoy the leisure to pursue a career as a writer, but her family suffered business reverses and declared bankruptcy only a few weeks after the wedding.

      The union had many stormy moments. Adams was cold and often depressed, and he admitted that his political adversaries regarded him as agloomy misanthropistandunsocial savage.” His wife is said to have regretted her marriage into the Adams family. The loss of two sons in adulthoodand a daughter in infancymay have heightened the strains between husband and wife. The eldest son, George Washington Adams, was a gambler, womanizer, and alcoholic whose death by drowning may have been suicide. The second son, John Adams II, succumbed to alcohol. He remains the only son of a president who was married in the White House. On that occasion, the president unbent and danced the Virginia reel. A third son, Charles Francis Adams (Adams, Charles Francis), brought honour to the family name once again, being elected to the House of Representatives and serving as United States minister to England during the American Civil War.

      While in Berlin, Adams negotiated (1799) a treaty of amity and commerce with Prussia. Recalled from Berlin by President Adams after the election of Thomas Jefferson (Jefferson, Thomas) to the presidency in 1800, the younger Adams reached Boston in 1801 and the next year was elected to the Massachusetts Senate. In 1803 the Massachusetts legislature elected him a member of the Senate of the United States.

Break with the Federalists
      Up to this time John Quincy Adams was regarded as belonging to the Federalist Party, but he found its general policy displeasing. He was frowned upon as the son of his father by the followers of Alexander Hamilton (Hamilton, Alexander) and by reactionary groups, and he soon found himself practically powerless as an unpopular member of an unpopular minority. Actually he was not then, and indeed never was, a strict party man; all through his life, ever aspiring to higher public service, he considered himself aman of my whole country.” Adams arrived in Washington too late to vote for ratification of the treaty for the purchase of Louisiana (Louisiana Purchase), which had been opposed by the other Federalist senators, but he voted for the appropriations to carry it into effect and announced that he would have voted for the purchase treaty itself. Nevertheless, he joined his Federalist colleagues in voting against a bill to enable the president to place officials of his own appointment in control of the newly acquired territory; such a bill, Adams vainly protested, overstepped the constitutional powers of the presidency, violated the right of self-government, and imposed taxation without representation. In December 1807 he supported President Jefferson's suggestion of an embargo to essentially stop all commerce with other nations (an attempt to gain British recognition of American rights) and vigorously urged instant action, saying:The President has recommended the measure on his high responsibility. I would not consider, I would not deliberate; I would act!” Within five hours the Senate had passed the embargo bill and had sent it to the House of Representatives. Support of this measure, hated by the Federalists and unpopular in New England because it stifled the region's economy, cost Adams his seat in the Senate. His successor was chosen on June 3, 1808, several months before the usual time of electing a senator for the next term, and five days later Adams resigned. In the same year he attended the Republican congressional caucus, which nominated James Madison (Madison, James) for the presidency, and thus he allied himself with that party. From 1806 to 1809 Adams was Boylston professor of rhetoric and oratory at Harvard College.

      In 1809 President Madison sent Adams to Russia to represent the United States at the court of Tsar Alexander I (Alexander I). He arrived at St. Petersburg at the psychologically important moment when the tsar had made up his mind to break with Napoleon. Adams therefore met with a favourable reception and a disposition to further the interests of American commerce in every possible way. From this vantage point he watched and reported Napoleon's invasion of Russia and the final disastrous retreat and dissolution of France's Grand Army. On the outbreak of the war between the United States and England in 1812, he was still in St. Petersburg. That September the Russian government suggested that the tsar was willing to act as mediator between the two belligerents. Madison precipitately accepted this proposition and sent Albert Gallatin (Gallatin, Albert) and James Bayard to act as commissioners with Adams, but England would have nothing to do with it. In August 1814, however, these gentlemen, with Henry Clay (Clay, Henry) and Jonathan Russell, began negotiations with English commissioners that resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Ghent (Ghent, Treaty of) on December 24 of that year. Adams then visited Paris, where he witnessed the return of Napoleon from Elba, and next went to London, where, with Clay and Gallatin, he negotiated (1815) aConvention to Regulate Commerce and Navigation.” Soon afterward he became U.S. minister to Great Britain, as his father had been before him, and as his son, Charles Francis Adams, was to be after him. After accomplishing little in London, he returned to the United States in the summer of 1817 to become secretary of state in the cabinet of President James Monroe. This appointment was primarily due to his diplomatic experience but also due to the president's desire to have a sectionally well-balanced cabinet in what came to be known as the Era of Good Feelings (Good Feelings, Era of).

Secretary of state
      As secretary of state, Adams played the leading part in the acquisition of Florida. Ever since the acquisition of Louisiana, successive administrations had sought to include at least a part of Florida in that purchase. In 1819, after long negotiations, Adams succeeded in getting the Spanish minister to agree to a treaty in which Spain would abandon all claims to territory east of the Mississippi River, the United States would relinquish all claims to what is now Texas, and a boundary of the United States would be drawn (for the first time) from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. This Transcontinental Treaty was perhaps the greatest victory ever won by a single man in the diplomatic history of the United States. Adams himself was responsible for the idea of extending the country's northern boundary westward from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacificconsidered a stroke of diplomatic genius. To use his own word, it marked a triumphantepochain U.S. continental expansion. Before the Spanish government ratified the Transcontinental Treaty in 1819, however, Mexico (including Texas) had thrown off allegiance to the mother country, and the United States had occupied Florida by force of arms.

      As secretary of state, Adams was also responsible for conclusion of the treaty of 1818 with Great Britain, laying down the northern boundary of the United States from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains along the line of latitude 49° N. Years later, as a member of the House of Representatives, he supported latitude 49° N as the boundary of Oregon from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean:I want that country for our Western pioneers.” In fact, President James K. Polk (Polk, James K.)'s Oregon treaty of 1846 drew that boundary along the line of 49°. The Monroe Doctrine rightly bears the name of the president who in 1823 assumed the responsibility for its promulgation, but its formulation was the work of John Quincy Adams more than of any other single man.

Presidency and feud with Jackson
 As President Monroe's second term drew to a close in 1824, there was a lack of good feeling among his official advisers, three of whomSecretary of State John Quincy Adams, Secretary of War John C. Calhoun (Calhoun, John C), and Secretary of the Treasury William H. Crawford (Crawford, William H)—aspired to succeed him. Henry Clay, speaker of the House, and General Andrew Jackson (Jackson, Andrew) were also candidates. Calhoun was nominated for the vice presidency. Of the other four, Jackson received 99 electoral votes for the presidency, Adams 84, Crawford 41, and Clay 37; because no one had a majority, the decision was made by the House of Representatives, which was confined in its choice to the three candidates who had received the largest number of votes. Clay, who had for years assumed a censorious attitude toward Jackson, cast his influence for Adams, whose election was thereby secured on the first ballot (see primary source document: Inaugural Address (John Quincy Adams: Inaugural Address)). A few days later Adams offered Clay the office of secretary of state, which he accepted. Jackson's supporters charged acorrupt bargainand turned Adams's term in office into a four-year campaign to win for their man what they regarded as his rightful place, the presidency.

      Up to this point Adams's career had been almost uniformly successful, but his presidency (182529), during which the country prospered, was in most respects a political failure because of the virulent opposition of the Jacksonians. Adams worked hard, rising between four and six o'clock in the morning and often going for a walk around the city or for a swim in the Potomac River before breakfast. Once he almost drowned as the sleeves of his blouse filled with water and weighed him down. But he knew he was not a man of the people. He had admitted in his inaugural address that he wasless possessed of your confidencethan any of my predecessors.” He favoured, among other forward-looking proposals, creating a national university and a national astronomical observatory; he wished the western territories to be held in trust by the federal government and developed only gradually; and he proposed a vast expansion of the country's roads with federal aid. Congress turned a generally deaf ear to his initiatives.

 In 1828 Jackson was elected president over Adams, with 178 electoral votes to Adams's 83. It was during Jackson's administration that irreconcilable differences developed between his followers and those of Adams, the latter becoming known as the National Republicans (National Republican Party), who, with the Anti-Masons (Anti-Masonic Movement), were the precursors of the Whigs (Whig Party). Adams's intense dislike of Jackson and what he represented remained unabated. When Harvard College in 1833 awarded Jackson an honorary degree, Adams refused to attend the ceremony at his alma mater. He avowed that he would not "be present to witness [Harvard's] disgrace in conferring its highest honors upon a barbarian who could not write a sentence of grammar and could hardly spell his own name."

      Adams had retired to private life in 1829 in the Massachusetts town of Quincy, but only for a brief period; in 1830, supported largely by members of the Anti-Masonic movement (a political force formed initially in opposition to Freemasonry), he was elected a member of the national House of Representatives. When it was suggested to him that his acceptance of this position would degrade a former president, Adams replied that no person could be degraded by serving the people as a representative in Congress or a selectman of his town. He served in the House of Representatives from 1831 until his death, in 1848. But he had not abandoned his hopes for a reelection to the presidencywhether as nominee of the Anti-Masonic Party (in which he was very active as long as that party had political possibilities) or of the National Republican Party or of a union of both or even of the later Whig Partyalways in his own mind as aman of the whole nation.” Gradually, these hopes faded.

Second career in Congress
      Adams's long second career in Congress was at least as important as his earlier career as a diplomat. Throughout, he was conspicuous as an opponent of the expansion of slavery and was at heart an abolitionist, though he never became one in the political sense of the word (see primary source document: Slavery and the Constitution (John Quincy Adams: Slavery and the Constitution)). In 1839 he presented to the House of Representatives a resolution for a constitutional amendment providing that every child born in the United States after July 4, 1842, should be born free; that, with the exception of Florida, no new state should be admitted into the Union with slavery; and that neither slavery nor the slave trade should exist in the District of Columbia after July 4, 1845. Thegag rules (gag rule),” a resolution passed by Southern members of Congress against all discussion of slavery in the House of Representatives, effectively blocked any discussion of Adams's proposed amendment. His prolonged fight for the repeal of the gag rules and for the right of petition to Congress for the mitigation or abolition of slavery was one of the most dramatic contests in the history of Congress. These petitions, from individuals and groups of individuals from all over the Northern states, increasingly were sent to Adams, and he dutifully presented them. Adams contended that the gag rules were a direct violation of the First Amendment to the federal Constitution, and he refused to be silenced on the question, fighting indomitably for repeal in spite of the bitter denunciation of his opponents. Each year the number of antislavery petitions received and presented by him grew greatly. Perhaps the climax was in 1837 when Adams presented a petition from 22 slaves and, threatened by his opponents with censure, defended himself with remarkable keenness and ability. At each session the majority against him decreased until, in 1844, his motion to repeal the standing 21st (gag) rule of the House was carried by a vote of 108 to 80, and his long battle was over.

      Another spectacular contribution by Adams to the antislavery cause was his championing of the cause of Africans arrested aboard the slave ship Amistad (Amistad mutiny)slaves who had mutinied (Amistad mutiny) and escaped from their Spanish owners off the coast of Cuba and had wound up bringing the ship into United States waters near Long Island, New York. Adams defended them as freemen before the Supreme Court in 1841 against efforts of the administration of President Martin Van Buren (Van Buren, Martin) to return them to their masters and to inevitable death. Adams won their freedom.

      As a member of Congressin fact, throughout his lifeAdams supported the improvement of the arts and sciences and the diffusion of knowledge. He did much to conserve the bequest of James Smithson (Smithson, James) (an eccentric Englishman) to the United States and to create and endow the Smithsonian Institution with the money from Smithson's estate.

      Perhaps the most dramatic event in Adams's life was its end. On February 21, 1848, in the act of protesting an honorary grant of swords by Congress to the generals who had won what Adams considered amost unrighteous warwith Mexico, he suffered a cerebral stroke, fell unconscious to the floor of the House, and died two days later in the Capitol building. His obsequies in Washington and in his native Massachusetts assumed the character of a nationwide pageant of mourning. Senator Thomas Hart Benton (Benton, Thomas Hart), the main eulogist at the service in the Capitol, asked:Where would death have found him except at the place of duty?”

      Few men in American public life have possessed more independence, more public spirit, and more ability than did Adams. Still, throughout his political career he was handicapped by a certain personal reserve and austerity and coolness of manner that prevented him from appealing to the imaginations and affections of the people. He had few intimate friends, and not many men in American history have been regarded, during their lifetimes, with so much hostility or attacked with so much rancour by their political opponents.

Samuel Flagg Bemis Ed.

Cabinet of President John Quincy Adams
       Cabinet of President John Quincy Adams Cabinet of President John Quincy AdamsThe table provides a list of cabinet members in the administration of President John Quincy Adams.

Additional Reading
Worthington Chauncy Ford (ed.), Writings of John Quincy Adams, 7 vol. (191317, reprinted 1968), is a collection of works from 1779 to 1823. Versions of Adams's diaries include Charles Francis Adams (ed.), Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, Comprising Portions of His Diary from 1795 to 1848, 12 vol. (187477, reprinted 1969); Allan Nevins (ed.), The Diary of John Quincy Adams, 17941845 (1928, reissued 1969), a selection from the longer work above; and David Grayson Allen et al. (eds.), Diary of John Quincy Adams, 2 vol. (1981), Adams's diaries from the age of 12 to 21. Family letters are published in L.H. Butterfield et al. (eds.), Adams Family Correspondence, 6 vol. (196393). The best pictorial record is Andrew Oliver, Portraits of John Quincy Adams and His Wife (1970).Biographies include John T. Morse, Jr., John Quincy Adams (1882, reissued 1980); Bennett Champ Clark, John Quincy Adams, “Old Man Eloquent (1932); Samuel Flagg Bemis, John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy (1949, reprinted 1981), a diplomatic biography, and John Quincy Adams and the Union (1956, reprinted 1980), covering the period 182448; Marie B. Hecht, John Quincy Adams: A Personal History of an Independent Man (1972, reissued 1995), treating Adams's private relationships as well as his political life; and two works focusing on the final 17 years of Adams's life, when he served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives: Leonard Falkner, The President Who Wouldn't Retire (1967); and Leonard L. Richards, The Life and Times of Congressman John Quincy Adams (1986). A recent full-length study is Paul C. Nagel, John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, A Private Life (1997).Dexter Perkins, “John Quincy Adams,” in Samuel Flagg Bemis (ed.), The American Secretaries of State and Their Diplomacy, vol. 4 (1928, reprinted 1963), treats his important prepresidential years. Mary W.M. Hargreaves, The Presidency of John Quincy Adams (1985), focuses on the organization of the Adams administration and its handling of domestic and foreign affairs. Greg Russell, John Quincy Adams and the Public Virtues of Diplomacy (1995), examines Adams's view of the relationship between ethics and statesmanship. Lynn H. Parsons (compiler), John Quincy Adams: A Bibliography (1993), includes a chapter of entries on Adams's associates from throughout his career.The life of Louisa Adams is covered in Jack Shepherd, Cannibals of the Heart: A Personal Biography of Louisa Catherine and John Quincy Adams (1980). The men and women of this influential family are featured in Paul C. Nagel, Descent from Glory: Four Generations of the John Adams Family (1983), and The Adams Women: Abigail and Louisa Adams, Their Sisters and Daughters (1987).Samuel Flagg Bemis Ed.

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