Adalbert, Saint

Adalbert, Saint
orig. Vojtěch

born 956, Libice?, Bohemia
died April 23, 997, near Gdańsk, Pol.; feast day April 23

Czech prelate.

Descended from the princes of Bohemia, he was trained in theology at Magdeburg. Elected the first native bishop of Prague in 982, he promoted the political aims of the Bohemian prince by extending the influence of the church beyond the Czech kingdom. Failing to convert his people, he retired in 988 to a monastery near Rome. On papal orders, he returned in 992 to find little change. Disillusioned, he left Bohemia in 994 to become a missionary along the Baltic coast, where he was martyred in 997. An account of his life was written by his friend and disciple St. Bruno of Querfurt. He was recognized as a saint soon after his death.

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bishop of Prague
original name  Vojtěch  
born 956, Libice?, Bohemia [now in Czech Republic]
died April 23, 997, near Gdańsk, Pol.; canonized 999; feast day, April 23

      first bishop of Prague to be of Czech origin.

      Descended from the Slavník princes of Bohemia, he was trained in theology at Magdeburg (Germany). At his confirmation he received his name from St. Adalbert, first archbishop of Magdeburg. As bishop (elected 982), Adalbert promoted the political aims of Boleslav II, prince of Bohemia, by extending the influence of the church beyond the borders of the Czech kingdom. He tried to improve the standards of church life but found little understanding among his countrymen for his lofty ideals.

      Critical of the superficial attitude to Christianity prevalent in the country, Adalbert departed in 988 with the intention of leading the ascetic life of a monk. On papal orders he returned in 992 to find little change. He came into sharp conflict with some of the nobility and was probably drawn into the growing feuds between the Czech kings and the Slavník princes. Disillusioned, in 994 he left Bohemia again to become a missionary along the Baltic coast, where he was martyred three years later. An account of Adalbert's life was written by his friend and disciple St. Bruno of Querfurt.

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Universalium. 2010.

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