Action Française

Action Française
("French Action") Influential right-wing antirepublican group in early 20th-century France, whose views were promoted in a newspaper of the same name.

The Action Française movement, led by Charles Maurras, espoused the antiparliamentarian, anti-Semitic, and strongly nationalist views inspired by the Alfred Dreyfus Affair. The movement peaked after World War I, when nationalist feeling was strong. It was denounced by the papacy in 1926, and ceased to exist after World War II because of its association with the collaborationist Vichy government (see Vichy France).

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French history
      (French:French Action”), influential right-wing antirepublican group in France during the first 40 years of the 20th century. Action Française was also the name of a daily newspaper (published from March 21, 1908, to Aug. 24, 1944) that expressed the group's ideas.

      The Action Française movement originated at the close of the 19th century to champion the antiparliamentarian, anti-Semitic, and strongly nationalist views inspired by the controversy over the Dreyfus Affair. Its leader, Charles Maurras (Maurras, Charles), formulated the doctrine of integral nationalism, which sought a restoration of the monarchy because this was considered the only institution capable of unifying strife-torn French society. Action Française was widely supported by Roman Catholics, small businessmen, and professional men, and though the movement was based on a return to the past, it was revolutionary in advocating the violent overthrow of the parliamentary Third Republic (18701940). The disruptive tactics of the Action Française and its youth group, the Camelots du Roi (“Hucksters of the King”), brought it to prominence among right-wing groups prior to World War I.

      The Action Française reached its apogee following World War I, when nationalist feeling was strong, but suffered a severe setback in 1926, when it was publicly condemned by the papacy. Yet it was still powerful enough to lead a serious attack on the republic in 1934. Because of its association with the German collaborationist Vichy government (194044), the Action Française was discredited and ceased to exist after World War II.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Action Française — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Action française (homonymie) …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Action française — Die Action française ist eine extremistische politische Gruppierung in Frankreich, die 1898 unter dem Eindruck der Dreyfus Affäre entstanden ist. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 1.1 Krise und Niedergang 2 Siehe auch …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Action Francaise — Die Action française ist eine extremistische politische Gruppierung in Frankreich, die 1898 unter dem Eindruck der Dreyfus Affäre entstanden ist. Charles Maurras Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 1.1 Krise und Niederg …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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