Abbott, Lyman

Abbott, Lyman
born Dec. 18, 1835, Roxbury, Mass., U.S.
died Oct. 22, 1922, New York, N.Y.

U.S. minister.

Son of the writer Jacob Abbott (180379), he left law practice to study theology and was ordained in 1860. He became editor of the Illustrated Christian Weekly in 1870 and editor in chief of Henry Ward Beecher's Christian Union in 1881. In 1888 he succeeded to Beecher's pulpit in Brooklyn. A leading exponent of the Social Gospel movement, he sought to apply Christianity to social and industrial problems, rejecting both socialism and laissez-faire economics. On other problems Abbott presented the viewpoint of liberal evangelical Protestantism.

Lyman Abbott, 1901

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

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American minister
born December 18, 1835, Roxbury, Massachusetts, United States
died October 22, 1922, New York, New York
 American Congregationalist (Congregationalism) minister and a leading exponent of the Social Gospel movement.

      Abbott left law practice to study theology and was ordained in 1860. After serving in two pastorates, he became associate editor of Harper's Magazine and in 1870 editor of the Illustrated Christian Weekly. In 1876 he joined Henry Ward Beecher (Beecher, Henry Ward)'s Christian Union, a nondenominational religious weekly, and in 1881 Abbott became its editor in chief. He succeeded in 1888 to Beecher's pulpit in the Plymouth Congregational Church, Brooklyn, where he served until 1899.

      Abbott became interested in the social problems associated with the Industrial Revolution of the late 19th century. Under his editorship the Christian Union (renamed Outlook in 1893) promulgated the Social Gospel, which sought to apply Christianity to social and industrial problems. His Christianity and Social Problems (1897), The Rights of Man (1901), The Spirit of Democracy (1910), and America in the Making (1911) present his moderate sociological views, which rejected both socialism and laissez-faire capitalism. On other problems, Abbott presented the viewpoint of liberal Evangelical Protestantism. He sought to interpret, rather than condemn, the effect of the theory of evolution on religion.

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  • Abbott, Lyman — (18 dic. 1835, Roxbury, Mass., EE.UU.–22 oct. 1922, Nueva York, N.Y.). Ministro estadounidense. Hijo del escritor Jacob Abbott (1803–79), abandonó el ejercicio de la abogacía para estudiar teología y se ordenó en 1860. Fue jefe de redacción del… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Lyman Abbott — (* 18. Dezember 1835 in Roxbury, Massachusetts; † 22. Oktober 1922) war ein amerikanischer Religionsphilosoph. Lyman Abbott wurde am 18. Dezember 1835 als Sohn des wohlhabenden Autors und Historikers Jacob Abbott in Roxbury, Massachusetts,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lyman Abbott — (December 18 1835 October 22 1922) was an American Congregationalist theologian, editor, and author.Abbott was born at Roxbury, Massachusetts, the son of the prolific author, educator and historian Jacob Abbott. Lyman Abbott grew up in Farmington …   Wikipedia

  • Lyman Abbott — (18 de diciembre de 1835, Roxbury, Massachusetts 22 de octubre de 1922, Nueva York) fue un pastor protestante estadounidense. Hijo del escritor Jacob Abbott (1803–1879), dejó de ejercer leyes para estudiar teología y fue ordenado en 1860. Se… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Abbott — /ab euht/, n. 1. Berenice, 1898 1991, U.S. photographer. 2. Edith, 1876 1957, and her sister Grace, 1878 1939, U.S. social reformers. 3. Edville Gerhardt /ed vil gair hahrt/, 1871 1938, U.S. orthopedist. 4. George, born 1887, U.S. playwright,… …   Universalium

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