- Zukor
/zooh"keuhr/, n.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Zukor — [ zukɔː], Adolph, amerikanischer Filmunternehmer ungarischer Herkunft, * Ricse (Bezeichnung Borsod Abaúj Zemplén) 7. 1. 1873, ✝ Los Angeles (Calif.) 10. 6. 1976; kam 1888 in die USA und begann 1903 als Schausteller mit Guckkästen. Mit Marcus… … Universal-Lexikon
Zukor — Adolph Zukor Adolph Zukor Portrait de 1937 Nom de naissance Zukor Naissance 7 janvier 1873 Ricse Hongrie … Wikipédia en Français
Zukor — Adolph Zukor (* 7. Januar 1873 in Ricse, Ungarn; † 10. Juni 1976 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien) war ein US amerikanischer Filmproduzent, der Paramount zu einem der erfolgreichsten Filmstudios machte. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 … Deutsch Wikipedia
ZUKOR, ADOLPH — (1873–1976), U.S. motion picture executive. Born in Ricse, Hungary, Zukor went to the U.S. in 1888. He worked in New York and Chicago in the fur business. At first Zukor was interested in motion pictures from the business point of view and opened … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Zukor, Adolph — ▪ American motion picture producer born Jan. 7, 1873, Ricse, Hung. died June 10, 1976, Los Angeles, Calif., U.S. American entrepreneur who built the powerful Famous Players–Paramount motion picture studio. Immigrating to the United… … Universalium
Zukor, Adolph — (1873–1976) US film producer. Brought to the United States from Hungary as a boy, Zukor was a pioneer of full length feature movies. He was a founder (1917) and the president of Paramount Pictures … Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament
Zukor — /zuˈkɔ/ (say zooh kaw) noun Adolph, 1873–1976, Hungarian born pioneer of the US film industry …
Zukor — /zooh keuhr/, n. Adolph, 1873 1976, U.S. film producer, born in Hungary … Useful english dictionary
Adolph Zukor — ➡ Zukor * * * … Universalium
Zukor,Adolph — Zu·kor (zo͞oʹkər), Adolph. 1873 1976. Hungarian born American film producer and executive credited with launching the film careers of such stars as Sarah Bernhardt and John Barrymore. In 1933 he helped found Paramount studios. * * * … Universalium