zoosemiotics — n. pl. [Gr. zoon, animal; semeion, signal] The analysis of animal communication … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
zoosemiotics — noun The study of animal communication. See Also: biosemiotics, semiotics … Wiktionary
zoosemiotics — study of animal communication Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
zoosemiotics — n. study of the modes of communication used by animals (e.g. sounds and symbols) … English contemporary dictionary
zoosemiotics — The language of animals, or the study of animal communications … Grandiloquent dictionary
zoosemiotics — /zoh euh see mee ot iks, see muy , sem ee , sem uy /, n. (used with a sing. v.) the study of the sounds and signals used in animal communication, as song in birds or tail wagging in dogs. [1960 65; ZOO + SEMIOTICS] … Useful english dictionary
Zoomusicology — is a field of musicology and zoology or more specifically, zoosemiotics. Zoomusicology is the study of the music of animals, or rather the musical aspects of sound or communication produced and received by animals.Zoomusicology may be… … Wikipedia
Biosemiotics — (from the Greek bios meaning life and semeion meaning sign ) is a growing field that studies the production, action and interpretation of signs in the biological realm. Biosemiotics attempt to integrate the findings of scientific biology and… … Wikipedia
Dario Martinelli — (Andria, Italy, March 1, 1974) is an Italian musicologist, semiotician and composer. He is Adjunct Professor of Musicology and Semiotics at Helsinki University and until 2007 Guest Professor at the Finnish Network University of Semiotics. His… … Wikipedia
Bee learning and communication — Honey bees learn and communicate in order to find food sources and for other means. LearningLearning is essential for efficient foraging. Honey bees are unlikely to make many repeat visits if a plant provides little in the way of reward. A single … Wikipedia