
/zoh on"euh sis, zoh'euh noh"sis/, n., pl. zoonoses /-seez', -seez/.
Pathol. any disease of animals communicable to humans.
[1875-80; < NL, irreg. < Gk zoio- ZOO- + nósos sickness, with ending appar. conformed to -SIS]

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plural  zoonoses  

      any infectious disease transmitted between humans and other vertebrate animals. The term was originally defined to describe a group of diseases that humans may acquire from domestic animals. This definition has been modified to include all human diseases that are acquired from or transmitted to any other vertebrate. Examples include rabies (from small mammals such as the dog, fox, bat, and rodent), tularemia (from rabbits and wild rodents), psittacosis (from birds of the parrot family), glanders (from horses), anthrax (from ruminants, horses, and swine), brucellosis (from domestic livestock), and a variety of respiratory infections from domestic animals and house pets.

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  • zoonosis — f. parasit. Estado morboso producido por la infección o infestación de un animal parásito. Medical Dictionary. 2011. zoonosis enferm …   Diccionario médico

  • zoonosis — (n.) pl. zoonoses, 1876, from comb. form of Gk. zoion animal (see ZOO (Cf. zoo)) + nosos disease …   Etymology dictionary

  • zoonosis — (De zoo , el gr. νόσος, enfermedad, y sis). f. Med. Enfermedad o infección que se da en los animales y que es transmisible al hombre en condiciones naturales …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • zoonosis — [zō än′ə sis, zō΄ə nō′sis] n. pl. zoonoses [zō än′əsēz΄] [ModL < Gr zōion, an animal (see BIO ) + nosos, disease] a disease that can be transmitted to people by vertebrate animals zoonotic [zō΄ə nät′ik] adj …   English World dictionary

  • Zoonosis — Una zoonosis es cualquier enfermedad que puede transmitirse de animales a seres humanos . La palabra se deriva del griego zoon (animal) y nosos (enfermedad). Se trata de enfermedades que afectan generalmente a los animales vertebrados, incluyendo …   Wikipedia Español

  • Zoonosis — A zoonosis (pronEng|ˌzoʊəˈnoʊsɨs) or zoonose is any infectious disease that is able to be transmitted (by a vector) from other animals, both wild and domestic, to humans or from humans to animals (the latter is sometimes called reverse zoonosis) …   Wikipedia

  • Zoonosis — (Del gr. zoon, animal + nosos, enfermedad.) ► sustantivo femenino VETERINARIA Enfermedad microbiana o parasitaria que afecta a los animales y puede ser transmitida a las personas. IRREG. plural zoonosis * * * zoonosis (de «zoo » y el gr. «nósos» …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • zoonosis — an infectious disease of animals, including fishes, that can be transmitted to humans, e.g. fishkeeper s granuloma or fishtank granuloma, an infection in humans with the bacteria causing fish tuberculosis (a Mycobacterium, but not the same as the …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Zoonosis — An infectious disease in animals that can be transmitted to people. The natural reservoir for the infectious agent is a animal. Examples of zoonoses include rabies (a viral disease that can be transmitted to humans through an infected animal s… …   Medical dictionary

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