
/jueng"joh"/, n. Pinyin.
a city in and the capital of Henan province, in E China. 1,500,000.
Also, Chengchow.

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or Cheng-chou formerly (1913–49) Zhengxian or Cheng-hsien

City (pop., 1999 est.: 1,465,069), capital of Henan province, east-central China.

Located south of the Huang He (Yellow River), it is an important rail centre. There were Neolithic settlements in the area, and the Shang Bronze Age culture (fl. с 1500 BC) was centred there on a walled city. Zhou-dynasty tombs have also been discovered. The city was first called Zhengzhou in AD 605, and it has been known by that name virtually ever since. It achieved its greatest importance in the 6th–12th centuries, when it was the terminus of a canal that joined the Huang to the north. In the early 20th century it became a rail junction and a regional agricultural centre. Since 1950 its industrial base has greatly expanded, and its population has grown considerably.

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Wade-Giles romanization  Cheng-chou , formerly (1913–49)  Zhengxian 
 city and capital of Henan sheng (province), China. Located in the north-central part of the province, it is situated to the south of the Huang He (Yellow River) where its valley broadens into the great plain and at the eastern extremity of the Xiong'er Mountains. The city is at the crossing point of the north-south route skirting the Taihang Mountains and the mountains of western Henan and the east-west route along the southern bank of the Huang He. Zhengzhou, the provincial capital of Henan since 1954, forms a prefecture-level shi (municipality).

      Since 1950, archaeological finds have shown that there were Neolithic settlements in the area and that the Shang (Shang dynasty) Bronze Age culture, which flourished there from about 1500 BCE, was centred on a walled city. Outside this city, in addition to remains of large public buildings, a complex of small settlements has been discovered. The site is generally identified with the Shang capital of Ao. The Shang, who continually moved their capital, left Ao, perhaps in the 13th century BCE. The site, nevertheless, remained occupied; Zhou (Zhou dynasty) (post-1050 BCE) tombs have also been discovered. Traditionally it is held that in the Western Zhou period (1111–771 BCE) it became the fief of a family named Guan. From this derives the name borne by the county since the late 6th century BCE—Guancheng (“City of the Guan”). The city first became the seat of a prefectural administration in 587 CE, when it was named Guanzhou. In 605 it was first called Zhengzhou—a name by which it has been known virtually ever since. It achieved its greatest importance under the Sui (Sui dynasty) (581–618 CE), Tang (Tang dynasty) (618–907), and early Song (Song dynasty) (960–1127) dynasties, when it was the terminus of the New Bian Canal, which joined the Huang He to the northwest. There, at a place called Heyin, a vast granary complex was established to supply the capitals at Luoyang and Chang'an (present-day Xi'an) to the west and the frontier armies to the north. In the Song period, however, the transfer of the capital eastward to Kaifeng robbed Zhengzhou of much of its importance.

      In 1903 the Beijing-Hankou railway arrived at Zhengzhou, and in 1909 the first stage of the Longhai Railway gave it an east-west link to Kaifeng and Luoyang; it was later extended eastward to the coast at Lianyungang, in Jiangsu province, and westward to Xi'an, in Shaanxi province, as well as to western Shaanxi. Zhengzhou thus became a major rail junction and a regional centre for cotton, grain, peanuts (groundnuts), and other agricultural produce. Early in 1923 a workers' strike began in Zhengzhou and spread along the rail line before it was suppressed; a 17-story double tower in the centre of the city commemorates the strike. In 1938, during the war with Japan, the retreating Chinese Nationalist Army blew up the dikes retaining the Huang He about 20 miles (32 km) northeast of the city, flooding a vast area. About the same time, in their drive to relocate industry in the interior far from the invading Japanese, the Chinese transferred all the local industrial plants to the west.

      When the People's Republic was established in 1949, Zhengzhou was a commercial and administrative centre, but it had virtually no industry. Because it was the centre of a densely peopled cotton-growing district, it was developed into an industrial city, with industry concentrated on the west side so that the prevailing northeast winds would blow fumes away from the city. There are cotton-textile plants, spinning mills, textile-machinery works, flour mills, tobacco and cigarette factories, and various food-processing plants; coal is mined nearby. Zhengzhou also has a locomotive and rolling-stock repair plant, a tractor-assembly plant, and a thermal power-generating station. The city's industrial growth has resulted in a large increase in population, primarily of industrial workers from the north. Trees have been planted throughout the city's metropolitan area, holding down the sand that formerly blew in thick gusts through the city. A water-diversion project and pumping station, built in 1972, provide irrigation for the surrounding countryside. Zhengzhou is Henan's cultural centre, with many colleges, universities, and research institutes located there. Pop. (2002 est.) city, 1,170,828; (2007 est.) urban agglom., 2,636,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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