- zelkova
/zel"keuh veuh, zel koh"-/, n.[ < NL (1841) < Russ dzél'kva, dzél'kova, presumably < a language of Transcaucasia, where the tree is native]
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▪ plant genusgenus of about five species of trees and shrubs in the elm family (Ulmaceae) native to Asia. The Japanese zelkova, or keaki (Z. serrata), up to 30 m (100 feet) tall and with sharply toothed deep green leaves, is an important timber tree and bonsai subject in Japan. It is widely planted elsewhere as a shade tree substitute for the disease-ravaged American elm, and, while not as cold-hardy as the latter, it is more resistant to Dutch elm disease. Z. carpinifolia, from the Caucasus, and Z. sinica, from China, are somewhat shorter trees with wavy-toothed leaves.* * *
Universalium. 2010.