Yorkshire terrier

Yorkshire terrier
one of an English breed of toy terriers having a long, silky, straight coat that is dark steel blue from the back of the skull to the tail and tan on the head, chest, and legs.

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Breed of toy dog developed in the mid-19th century in Yorkshire and Lancashire, Eng.

Its lineage appears to include terriers such as the Skye and Dandie Dinmont. Its outstanding feature is its straight, silky coat, parted on the back from nose to tail and long enough to sweep the ground. Its coat colour is dark blue-gray, with tan on the head and chest. It may grow to 9 in. (23 cm) tall and weigh up to 7 lb (3 kg).

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breed of dog
also called  Yorkie 
 breed of toy dog developed about the mid-1800s in the English counties of Yorkshire and Lancashire. The lineage of the breed is unknown but appears to include several terriers, such as the Skye (Skye terrier) and Dandie Dinmont (Dandie Dinmont terrier); it may also include the Maltese. The most outstanding feature of the Yorkie is its straight, silky coat, parted on the back from nose to tail and long enough to sweep the ground. Colour is dark blue-gray, with tan on the head and chest. A small, compact dog, the Yorkshire terrier stands about 8 to 9 inches (20 to 23 cm) with a maximum weight of 7 pounds (3 kg). Generally healthy and spirited, it is valued as a pet and companion. In 2006 it became the second most popular dog breed in the United States.

       Selected breeds of toy dogsSee the table (Selected breeds of toy dogs) of selected breeds of toy dogs for further information.

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