
/yin"chwahn"/, n. Pinyin.
a city in and the capital of Ningxia Hui region, in N China. 100,000.
Also, Wade-Giles, Yinch'uan; Older Spelling, Yinchwan.

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or Yin-ch'uan

City (pop., 1999 est.: 469,180), capital of Ningxia autonomous region, north-central China.

It is located near the western end of the Great Wall. Originally a county in the 1st century BC, it became the capital of the Xi Xia dynasty in 907 AD. In 1227 it came under the Mongol dynasty and was later under the Ming and the Qing dynasties. In 1928 it became the capital of the newly formed Ningxia province. In 1954 when Ningxia province was abolished, the city became part of Gansu province. With the establishment of the Ningxia autonomous region in 1958, Yinchuan once again became the capital. Largely nonindustrial, it is the chief agricultural market and distribution centre for the area.

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Wade-Giles romanization  Yin-ch'uan , conventional  Yinchwan 

      city and capital of the Hui Autonomous Region of Ningxia (Ningsia), north-central China. It is located in northern Ningxia in the south-central section of the Helan Mountains (which define the western extent of the Ordos Desert), near the western end of the Great Wall of China. The city lies west of the upper course of the Huang He (Yellow River), where the river makes its great bend to flow north along the western edge of the Ordos Plateau.

      Yinchuan originally was a county under the name of Lian in 119 BCE; its name was changed to Huaiyuan in the 6th century CE. After the fall of the Tang dynasty in 907, it was occupied by Tangut tribespeople in the 10th century; they later established the Xi (Western) Xia (Xi Xia) dynasty (10381227), of which Yinchuan was the capital. After the destruction of the Xi Xia dynasty by the Mongols in 1227, Yinchuan came under the rule of the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty (Yuan dynasty). Under the Ming (Ming dynasty) (13681644) and Qing (Qing dynasty) (16441911) dynasties, it was the seat of the prefecture of Ningxia. In 1929, when the province of Ningxia was formed from parts of Gansu and Inner Mongolia, it became the capital city. In 1954, when Ningxia province was abolished, the city was put in Gansu province; but, with the establishment of the Hui Autonomous Region of Ningxia in 1958, Yinchuan once again became the capital.

      Traditionally, Yinchuan was an administrative and commercial centre. In the 1950s it had many commercial enterprises, and there were some handicrafts but no modern industry. However, the city subsequently grew considerably. Beginning in the late 1950s, some of the factories located in the eastern provinces along the coast were moved to Yinchuan, which initiated the development of a local machine-building industry. In addition, extensive coal deposits were discovered near Shizuishan, about 60 miles (100 km) to the north, making Shizuishan a coal-mining centre. Exploitation of these coal deposits led to the growth of a chemical industry and the construction of thermal power-generating plants in Yinchuan. The production of building materials has become an important component of the local economy. West of the old town and close to the railway station, a new residential district was built with all-new infrastructure.

      The immediate plains area around Yinchuan, intensively irrigated by a system developed as long ago as the Han (Han dynasty) (206 BCE220 CE) and Tang (618907) dynasties, is extremely productive. Yinchuan is the chief agricultural market and distribution centre for this area and also deals in agricultural and animal products from the farms and ranches and from the herds tended by nomads in the surrounding grasslands. It is a market for grain and has flour mills as well as rice-hulling and oil-extraction plants. The wool produced in the surrounding plains supplies a woolen textile mill. Other farm-derived industries include sugar refining, flax spinning, tanning, and food processing. In addition to wool, local specialties include the fruit of the Chinese wolfberry and facai (black moss), a kind of fungus served in Chinese cuisine, notably at the New Year.

      Until the 1950s the Huang He (navigable downstream as far as Baotou [northeast] in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and upstream to Zhongwei and Zhongning in Ningxia) was Yinchuan's chief communication link. Since then, highways have been built to Baotou, to Lanzhou (southwest) and Wuwei (west) in Gansu, and to Xi'an (southeast) in Shaanxi province. Since 1958 the city has been on the railway from Lanzhou to Baotou and is thus linked to other parts of China by rail. Yinchuan's airport, opened in the late 1990s west of the city, provides regular flights to major cities in the country. Expressways north to Shizuishan and south to Zhongwei also have been completed.

      Yinchuan is a centre for the country's Hui (Chinese Muslim) minority peoples, who constitute one-third of the population, and it thus has extensive cultural and economic relations with Islamic countries. Located 22 miles (35 km) east of the city are several imperial mausoleums and many more tombs of princes and dukes of the Xi Xia dynasty; the area has been an archaeological dig site since the early 1970s. Ningxia University (founded 1958; established as a university 1962) and other institutions of higher learning are located in the city. Pop. (2002 est.) city, 535,743; (2007 est.) urban agglom., 991,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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