
/yahng"chwahn"/, n. Pinyin.
a city in E Shanxi province, in NE China. 177,400.
Also, Wade-Giles, Yangchuan.

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Wade-Giles romanization  Yang-ch'üan 

      city, eastern Shanxi (Shansi) province (sheng), northeast-central China. It is a prefecture-level municipality (shi) located in the western portion of the Taihang Mountains at the eastern end of a route through the mountains via Niangzi Pass. Its site was of major strategic importance throughout history, commanding one of the main routes from the North China Plain to Shanxi and northwestern China.

      Yangquan itself, however, was only an insignificant mountain village, subordinate to the nearby town of Pingding until the early 20th century. It was first opened up by the completion (1907) of the railway from Shijiazhuang in Hebei province to Taiyuan, the provincial capital of Shanxi. Yangquan then became a railway centre, as well as a key road junction on the east-west highway via the Niangzi Pass, being also linked to the north-south route to the valleys of southeastern Shanxi.

      With the coming of the railway, Yangquan, located in the heart of the rich Shanxi coalfield, also became an important mining centre, producing both coking coal and anthracite. Much of the coal is now used for generating electric power, both locally and in Taiyuan. It also supplied the Longyan steelworks at Xuanhua in Hebei province, northwest of Beijing. Yan Xishan, provincial warlord of Shanxi in the first half of the 20th century, established an ironworks at Yangquan. This formed the base of a local munitions industry and was one of the few ironworks that continued in production through the economically depressed years of the late 1920s and '30s.

      Geological surveys have revealed rich deposits of iron ore, pyrite, bauxite, gypsum, and other minerals in the vicinity. The city has developed various other industries, including metallurgy, chemicals, machinery, and construction equipment. Its position as a transportation hub of eastern Shanxi was strengthened with the electrification and expansion of the railway and the construction of an expressway between Shijiazhuang and Taiyuan. Pop. (2002 est.) 487,332.

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Universalium. 2010.

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