- Yalow
/yal"oh/, n.Rosalyn (Sussman) /roz"euh lin sus"meuhn/, born 1921, U.S. medical physicist: Nobel prize for medicine 1977.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Yalow — Rosalyn Sussman … Scientists
Yalow — Yalow, Rosalyn S … Enciclopedia Universal
Yalow — [ jeɪləʊ], Rosalyn Sussman, amerikanische Physikerin und Nuklearmedizinerin, * New York 19. 7. 1921; 1950 80 am Veterans Administration Hospital, 1980 85 am Montefiori Medical Centre in New York tätig; Professor an der Mount Sinai School of… … Universal-Lexikon
Yalow — [yal′ō] Rosalyn Sussman [räz′ə lin sus′mən] 1921 ; U.S. biochemist … English World dictionary
Yalow — Rosalyn Yalow, geb. Sussman (* 19. Juli 1921 in New York) ist eine amerikanische Physikerin. Leben Rosalyn Yalow unterrichtete von 1968 bis 1979 an der Mount Sinai School of Medicine und von 1975 bis 1985 an der Yeshiwa Universität in New York.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
YALOW, ROSALYN SUSSMAN — (1921– ), U.S. medical physicist and Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine. Yalow was born in New York and received her B.A. from Hunter College (1941) and M.S. and Ph.D. in nuclear physics from the University of Illinois under the direction… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Yalow, Rosalyn S. — ▪ American medical physicist in full Rosalyn Sussman Yalow born July 19, 1921, New York, N.Y., U.S. American medical physicist and joint recipient (with Andrew V. Schally (Schally, Andrew V.) and Roger Guillemin (Guillemin, Roger Charles… … Universalium
Yalow , Rosalyn Sussman — (1921–) American physicist Yalow was born in New York City and educated at Hunter College and at the University of Illinois, where she obtained her PhD in nuclear physics in 1945. Since 1947 she has worked at the Veterans Administration Hospital… … Scientists
Yalow — biographical name Rosalyn 1921 née Sussman American med. physicist … New Collegiate Dictionary
Yalow — Yal•ow [[t]ˈyæl oʊ[/t]] n. big Rosalyn Sussman, born 1921, U.S. medical physicist: Nobel prize for physiology or medicine 1977 … From formal English to slang