
/woolf/, n.
Virginia (Adeline Virginia Stephen Woolf), 1882-1941, English novelist, essayist, and critic.

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  • WOOLF (V.) — Issue d’une famille d’«éminents victoriens», comme les appelait Lytton Strachey, Virginia Woolf a voulu dégager le roman anglais de la gangue des traditions et du formalisme qui l’enveloppait, l’affranchir de toutes les normes pour créer un… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Woolf — ist der Name folgender Personen: Alex Woolf (* 1963), Geschichtsforscher des Mittelalters an der University of St. Andrews Bella Sidney Woolf (1877–1960), britische Autorin Harry Woolf (* 1933), Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales (2000–2005) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Woolf —   [wʊlf],    1) Adeline Virginia, geborene Stephen [stiːvn], englische Schriftstellerin, * London 25. 1. 1882, ✝ im Fluss Ouse bei Lewes 28. 3. 1941, Tochter des Biographen und Kritikers Sir L. Stephen, ab 1912 Ȋ mit dem Schriftsteller und… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Woolf — [woolf] 1. Leonard (Sidney) 1880 1969; Eng. publisher & writer: husband of Virginia 2. Virginia (born Adeline Virginia Stephen) 1882 1941; Eng. novelist & critic …   English World dictionary

  • Woolf — Woolf, Virginia …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Woolf — (Virginia) (1882 1941) écrivain anglais. Elle abolit le temps romanesque au profit du temps affectif: la Chambre de Jacob (1922), Mrs. Dalloway (1925), la Promenade au phare (1927), Orlando (1928), les Vagues (1931). Elle se suicida, laissant un… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Woolf — Woolf, Virginia (1882 1941) a British writer and ↑critic who was an important member of the Bloomsbury Group and is admired by ↑feminists. Her novels, such as To the Lighthouse and The Waves, use the style called ↑stream of consciousness …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Woolf — Nom anglais, variante de Wolf, surnom lié au loup (éventuellement nom de baptême) …   Noms de famille

  • Woolf — (izg. vȕlf) DEFINICIJA 1. Leonard (1880 1969), britanski intelektualac, izdavač i novinar, publicističkim radovima i osobnim druženjima vrlo utjecajan na britanski književni i politički život svoga vremena; zajedno sa svojom suprugom Virginiom… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Woolf — Alternate spellings include Wolfe, Wolff, Wulf and Wolf. The name Woolf may refer to *Virginia Woolf, a well known English author and feminist. *Leonard Woolf, author, Virginia Woolf s widower. *Lord Woolf, UK Lord Chief Justice credited with… …   Wikipedia

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