
/wok/, n.
a large bowl-shaped pan used in cooking Chinese food.
[1955-60; < dial. Chin (Guangdong) wohk pan, equiv. to Chin huo]

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▪ cooking pan
      thin-walled cooking pan, shaped like a shallow bowl with handles, widely used in Chinese-style cooking. The wok has a round bottom that concentrates heat, cooking food quickly with relatively little oil. Food when cooked may be moved up the sloping side of the wok to stay warm without cooking further, while other food is cooked at the bottom. The wok was developed as an implement to conserve scarce fuel. It is generally made of iron, carbon steel, copper, or aluminum. Although woks come in sizes ranging from 25 to 80 cm (10 to 32 inches) in diameter, household woks average from 30 to 36 cm.

      Woks have been used for some 3,000 years in China for a variety of cooking methods, including stir-frying, boiling, and stewing. The addition of a rack and cover converts the wok into a steamer. Originally designed for use on wood- or charcoal-burning Chinese stoves, woks have been adapted for Western use by the addition of a metal ring, which is set on top of a gas or electric stove to hold the wok and prevent it from tipping. Electrically heated woks, with a removable heating element and thermostat, may be used for cooking meals at the dining table.

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Universalium. 2010.

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