- with
/with, widh/, prep.1. accompanied by; accompanying: I will go with you. He fought with his brother against the enemy.2. in some particular relation to (esp. implying interaction, company, association, conjunction, or connection): I dealt with the problem. She agreed with me.3. characterized by or having: a person with initiative.4. (of means or instrument) by the use of; using: to line a coat with silk; to cut with a knife.5. (of manner) using or showing: to work with diligence.6. in correspondence, comparison, or proportion to: Their power increased with their number. How does their plan compare with ours?7. in regard to: to be pleased with a gift.8. (of cause) owing to: to die with pneumonia; to pale with fear.9. in the region, sphere, or view of: It is day with us while it is night with the Chinese.10. (of separation) from: to part with a thing.11. against, as in opposition or competition: He fought with his brother over the inheritance.12. in the keeping or service of: to leave something with a friend.13. in affecting the judgment, estimation, or consideration of: Her argument carried a lot of weight with the trustees.14. at the same time as or immediately after; upon: And with that last remark, she turned and left.15. of the same opinion or conviction as: Are you with me or against me?16. in proximity to or in the same household as: He lives with his parents.17. (used as a function word to specify an additional circumstance or condition): We climbed the hill, with Jeff following behind.19. with child, pregnant.a. knowledgeable about, sympathetic to, or partaking of the most up-to-date trends, fashions, art, etc.b. representing or characterized by the most up-to-date trends, fashions, art, etc.[bef. 900; ME, OE: opposite, against (c. ON vith), appar. short var. of OE wither against; c. OS withar, OHG widar, ON vithr, Goth withra]
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Universalium. 2010.