Witchetty grub — The witchetty grub (also spelled witchety grub) is a term used in Australia for the large, white, wood eating larvae of several moths. Particularly it applies to the larva of the cossid moth Endoxyla leucomochla , which feeds on the roots of the… … Wikipedia
witchetty grub — ˈwichəd.ē, chətē, i noun or witchetty ( es) Etymology: witchetty native name in Australia : any of various large white grubs that are larvae especially of moths of the genus Cossus, frequent the roots of Australian acacia, are relished by the… … Useful english dictionary
witchetty grub — /ˈwɪtʃəti grʌb / (say wichuhtee grub) noun any of various large, white, edible, wood boring grubs that are the larvae of certain Australian moths and beetles. Also, witchety grub. {Australian Aboriginal; Adnyamathanha wityu hooked stick used to… …
Witchetty grub — a cub, boy scout … Dictionary of Australian slang
witchetty grub — Australian Slang a cub, boy scout … English dialects glossary
Witchetty-Made — (engl. witchetty grub) ist die in Australien verwandte Bezeichnung für große weiße, sich von Holz ernährende Larven der Holzbohrer (Cossidae), Wurzelbohrer (Hepialidae) oder auch Bockkäfer (Cerambycidae). Verzehrfertige Witchetty Maden.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
witchetty — [ wɪtʃɪti] (also witchetty grub) noun (plural witchetties) a large whitish wood eating larva of a beetle or moth, eaten as food by some Aboriginals. Origin from Adnyamathanha wityu hooked stick (for extracting grubs) + varti grub … English new terms dictionary
Acacia kempeana — Taxobox name = Wanderrie wattle regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Fabales familia = Fabaceae genus = Acacia species = A. kempeana binomial = Acacia kempeana binomial authority = F.Muell. range range map width … Wikipedia
Endoxyla leucomochla — Taxobox image caption = regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Hexapoda ordo = Lepidoptera familia = Cossidae genus = Endoxyla species = E. leucomochla binomial = Endoxyla leucomochla binomial authority = Turner, 1915 Endoxyla… … Wikipedia
Nyungar — Die Noongar (auch: Nyungar, Nyoongar oder Nyoongah) [1] sind indigene Australier, die im Südwesten von Western Australia zwischen Geraldton an der Westküste und Esperance an der Südküste leben. Ihr Stammesgebiet reicht von der Jurien Bay im… … Deutsch Wikipedia