- wise
—wisely, adv.adj.1. having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right; possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion.2. characterized by or showing such power; judicious or prudent: a wise decision.3. possessed of or characterized by scholarly knowledge or learning; learned; erudite: wise in the law.4. having knowledge or information as to facts, circumstances, etc.: We are wiser for their explanations.6. Archaic. having knowledge of magic or witchcraft.7. be or get wise to, Slang. to be or become cognizant of or no longer deceived by; catch on: to get wise to a fraud.a. to become informed.9. put or set someone wise, Slang. to inform a person; let a person in on a secret or generally unknown fact: Some of the others put him wise to what was going on.v.t.10. Slang. to make wise or aware: I'll wise you, kid.11. wise up, Slang. to make or become aware of a secret or generally unknown fact, situation, attitude, etc.: They wised him up on how to please the boss. She never wised up to the fact that the joke was on her.wise2/wuyz/, n.way of proceeding or considering; manner; fashion (usually used in combination or in certain phrases): otherwise; in any wise; in no wise.[bef. 900; ME, OE: way, manner; melody (OE); c. D wijze, G Weise manner, melody, ON visa short poem, Dan vise ballad; akin to Gk eîdos form, shape]wise3/wuyz/, v.t., wised, wising.1. Chiefly Scot.a. to instruct.b. to induce or advise.c. to show the way to; guide.2. Scot. to direct the course of; cause to turn.[bef. 900; ME wisen, OE wisian to show the way, guide, direct, akin to wis WISE1; c. OHG wisan, ON visa]
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(as used in expressions)Yaroslav the WiseAlfonso the WiseCharles the Wiseman the wiseWise Isaac MayerWise Stephen Samuel* * *
Universalium. 2010.