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inoculative — adjective see inoculate … New Collegiate Dictionary
inoculative — adj. pertaining to vaccinations, pertaining to inoculations … English contemporary dictionary
inoculative — in·oc·u·la·tive … English syllables
inoculative — … Useful english dictionary
inoculate — inoculative /i nok yeuh lay tiv, yeuh leuh /, adj. inoculator, n. /i nok yeuh layt /, v., inoculated, inoculating. v.t. 1. to implant (a disease agent or antigen) in a person, animal, or plant to produce a disease for study or to stimulate… … Universalium
Biological pest control — Biological control of pests in agriculture is a method of controlling pests (including insects, mites, weeds and plant diseases) that relies on predation, parasitism, herbivory, or other natural mechanisms. It can be an important component of… … Wikipedia
inoculate — transitive verb ( lated; lating) Etymology: Middle English, to insert a bud in a plant, from Latin inoculatus, past participle of inoculare, from in + oculus eye, bud more at eye Date: 1721 1. a. to introduce a microorganism into < inoculate mice … New Collegiate Dictionary
Diamondback terrapin — hand colored lithograph from Holbrook s North American Herpetology (1842) Conservation status … Wikipedia
Insect winter ecology — entails the overwinter survival strategies of insects, which are in many respects more similar to those of plants than to many other animals, such as mammals and birds. This is because unlike those animals, which can generate their own heat… … Wikipedia
Donald Meltzer — (1922–2004) was a Kleinian psychoanalyst whose teaching made him influential in many countries. He became known for making clinical headway with difficult childhood conditions such as autism, and also for his theoretical innovations and… … Wikipedia