William III

William III
(William III of Orange) 1650-1702, stadholder of the United Provinces of the Netherlands 1672-1702; king of England 1689-1702, joint ruler with his wife, Mary II.

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Dutch Willem Alexander Paul Frederik Lodewijk

born Feb. 19, 1817, Brussels, Belg.
died Nov. 23, 1890, Apeldoorn, Neth.

King of The Netherlands and grand duke of Luxembourg (184990).

Son of William II, he succeeded to the throne on his father's death in 1849. Opposed to the liberal constitution of 1848, he adopted an anti-Catholic posture and from 1862 to 1868 was able to rule through the cabinet. He tried to sell his sovereignty over Luxembourg to France (1867) but yielded to Prussia's demand that the area be independent. Following this crisis, his influence over parliament declined. On his death, he was succeeded by his daughter, Wilhelmina.
Dutch Willem Hendrik

born Nov. 14, 1650, The Hague, United Provinces of the Netherlands
died March 19, 1702, London, Eng.

Stadtholder of the United Provinces of the Netherlands (16721702) and king of England (16891702).

Son of William II, prince of Orange, and Mary Stuart, daughter of Charles I of England, he was born in The Hague soon after his father's death. The Act of Seclusion (1654) that barred the house of Orange from power in the United Provinces was rescinded in 1660, and William was appointed captain general and named stadtholder by popular acclaim in 1672. He successfully defended his country against Charles II of England and Louis XIV of France. In 1677 he married Mary (later Queen Mary II), daughter of the English duke of York (later James II). In 1688 William was invited by James's opponents to intervene against the Catholic ruler, and he landed with a Dutch army in Devon, Eng. He and Mary were proclaimed joint rulers of England in 1689; he ruled alone after Mary's death in 1694. He directed the European opposition to Louis XIV, which eventually led to the War of the Grand Alliance after William's death. In Britain he secured religious toleration and strengthened Parliament, granting independence to the judiciary in the Act of Settlement.

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king of England, Scotland, and Ireland
byname  William of Orange,  also called  William Henry, prince of Orange,  Dutch  Willem Hendrik, prins van Oranje 
born Nov. 14 [Nov. 4, Old Style], 1650, The Hague, Neth.
died March 19 [March 8], 1702, London, Eng.
 stadholder of the United Provinces of the Netherlands as William III (16721702) and king of England, Scotland, and Ireland (16891702), reigning jointly with Queen Mary II (until her death in 1694). He directed the European opposition to Louis XIV of France and, in Great Britain, secured the triumph of Protestantism and of Parliament.

Early life
      The son of William II, prince of Orange, and of Mary, the daughter of Charles I of England, William was born at The Hague in November 1650, eight days after his father's death. As stadholder of five of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, William II had recently incurred the enmity of a powerful minority of a republican oligarchy that dominated the province of Holland and the city of Amsterdam. After his death this party determined to exclude the house of Orange from power, and the Act of Seclusion (1654) debarred the prince of Orange and his descendants from holding office in the state.

      William III's education, nevertheless, was, from the first, the training of a ruler. Contemporaries agree that he was a boy of great vivacity and charm, but frequent quarrels between his mother and his paternal grandmother disturbed his childhood and may have helped to breed the habit of reserve that was intensified by the difficulties of his later life. In 1660, after his uncle Charles II's restoration to the English throne, the Act of Seclusion was rescinded. Shortly afterward his mother died, leaving him to the guardianship of his grandmother and of his uncle Frederick William, elector of Brandenburg.

      Early in 1666 he was made a ward of the States General, the representative assembly of the United Provinces. Under Johan de Witt (De Witt, Johan), the grand pensionary of Holland, he acquired a specialized knowledge of public business. His exceptional promise and the popular devotion he had inherited made it impossible to deny him all advancement, but the Perpetual Edict (1667) decreed that the offices of stadholder and captain general, formerly held simultaneously by the princes of Orange, should never again be held by the same person.

Stadholder (stadtholder)
      In 1671 it became clear that Louis XIV of France and Charles II of England were planning a joint attack on the United Provinces, and demands for William's appointment as captain general became insistent. He was appointed in February 1672, though at first with very limited authority. In March and April Charles and Louis declared war, and in June French troops crossed the Rhine River and overran three provinces in as many weeks. The Dutch navy was able to hold the English in check, but the army had been neglected and was ill-trained and ill-equipped. As a last expedient the polders, or low-lying areas, were flooded, and William, with his few unseasoned troops, was left to defend thewater line.”

      Panic broke out in the country, and there were angry demands for the prince's elevation to the stadholderate. The few dissenters were overruled, and on July 8 (New Style) he was proclaimed stadholder by the States General, later ratified by the provincial estates of the occupied provinces. One of his first acts, done with the States' approval, was to refuse the ruinous peace terms offered by the two kings. Civil disorders, however, were not over. On August 20 Johan de Witt and his brother, who were unjustly suspected of treachery, were murdered by an infuriated mob at The Hague. William was in no way implicated in the crime and was enraged when he heard of it, but, because of the number of the murderers and perhaps because of the general revolutionary situation, he failed to bring them to justice.

      In a few weeks the country settled down and for a year held out almost alone. In the autumn of 1672 William had enlisted the aid of the Holy Roman emperor Leopold I and the elector of Brandenburg, and in 1673 Spain joined the alliance, but their help was not immediately effective. William, meanwhile, was steadily rebuilding his army and in September 1673 recaptured the key fortress of Naarden. He then moved swiftly into the territory of Cologne, joined his forces to those of the emperor, and on November 12 captured Bonn. The French, threatened with encirclement, hurriedly evacuated the United Provinces. Charles II and Louis's minor allies were forced to make peace early in 1674. Louis's Dutch adventure had failed and had turned half of Europe against him, but he still held many places in Germany and the Spanish Netherlands, so the war continued and spread into remoter parts of the continent. William's chief concern for the next four years was the command of the Dutch armies in Flanders, though Dutch domestic affairs and repeated attempts to find an acceptable peace formula took much of his time. Peace was finally made by a series of treaties in 1678 and 1679.

King of England
      In November 1677 William had married his cousin Mary, daughter of James, duke of York (later King James II of England). William himself stood fourth in the English succession, and this marriage with the heiress presumptive gave him added importance in England, though during Charles II's reign his role in English affairs was that of an anxious spectator rather than of a participant. During the 1680s Louis's numerous minor aggressions kept Europe in a continual state of tension, but William's efforts to build up a new coalition against him were repeatedly frustrated, largely by the activities of a small but powerful pro-French party in Holland and by the equivocal attitude of England. Eventually, however, the English king James II, a Roman Catholic, had so antagonized his subjects by his despotic and romanizing policies that by 1687 many of them were urging William to intervene. In 1688 the birth of a son to James, which opened the possibility of a Roman Catholic succession, finally brought matters to a head.

      An invitation, signed by a representative selection of James's opponents, was dispatched on July 10 (Old Style), and on November 5 (November 15, New Style) William and his army landed at Brixham on Tor Bay in Devon and proceeded almost unopposed to London. James fled to France, and the so-called Convention Parliament, summoned in January 1689, declared that James had abdicated and offered the vacant throne, with an accompanying Declaration of Right, to William and Mary. They were proclaimed in February and crowned on April 21. The crown of Scotland was offered to them in the same month.

The Glen Coe massacre
      The revolution in England had been accomplished almost without bloodshed, but in Scotland and Ireland there was armed resistance. This collapsed in Scotland in 1689, but the country remained troubled and unsettled throughout William's reign. In 1692 Alexander MacDonald of Glen Coe and some of his clansmen were murdered in cold blood for tardiness in taking the oath of allegiance to William. William ordered an inquiry but took no further action until in 1695 the Scottish Parliament demanded a public investigation. He then showed culpable leniency to the offenders, merely dismissing from his secretaryship Sir John Dalrymple, on whom responsibility for the massacre was finally placed. In Ireland war formally broke out in 1689, when James landed there with French support. But the successful defense of Londonderry and of Enniskillen, and William's own victory at the Battle of the Boyne (Boyne, Battle of the) on July 1, 1690, ensured the reconquest of Ireland and freed him to turn his attention to the European continent. Here, after a series of minor attacks on the empire, Louis XIV had invaded the Palatinate in 1688. The Dutch and the emperor concluded the Treaty of Vienna (May 1689) and declared war on Louis; over the next 18 months William's rare diplomatic skill brought into the alliance Brandenburg, Hanover, Saxony, Bavaria, Savoy, and Spain, as well as England, which became its linchpin.

      From 1691 William spent much time campaigning on the continent with varying degrees of success; but by 1696 a number of factors made both sides anxious for peace, and the Treaties of Rijswijk were signed in 1697. The question, vital for a European balance of power, of who was to succeed the childless king Charles II of Spain remained unsettled, however, and William had good cause to fear that the peace would be no more than a truce. The English Parliament, on the contrary, was convinced that it would be lasting, insisted on cutting down the size of the army, and resolutely turned its back on foreign affairs. William, in the hope of averting a new war, entered into two Spanish Partition treaties (169899) with Louismeasures that involved him in serious frictions with Parliament. But when the Spanish king died on Nov. 1, 1700, Louis, ignoring his agreements, accepted the crown of Spain for his grandson and soon showed that he had not relinquished his plans for French aggrandizement.

      William, though hampered by English apathy, set himself to rebuilding the Grand Alliance and to preparing his two countries for the now inevitable conflict. In September 1701 the exiled James II died, and Louis XIV proclaimed his son king of England, contrary to his agreement in one of the Rijswijk treaties, and thus roused the English to an enthusiasm for war (Spanish Succession, War of the). William did not live to see this war declared. His health had long been declining, and in March 1702 he died. His plans for a European settlement were largely carried out by the Treaty of Utrecht (Utrecht, treaties of) (1713). His ideal, which he had pursued doggedly for 30 years, was an international order in which no single power was able to tyrannize the rest.

      Holland, by the time of William's death, was ceasing to be a great power, for reasons for which he cannot be held responsible. That it remained free, independent, and prosperous was in no small measure due to him. In England he remained to the last an alien, unpopular with the ruling classes, though the common people always looked on him as the Protestant hero and hailed his appearances with enthusiasm.

      His reign was of great importance in the constitutional history of the country, and his own contribution to these developments was far from negligible. By moderation and good faith in his exercise of the royal prerogative, he preserved the crown and with it those elements of stability and continuity that have been the peculiar strength of Great Britain. William hated faction, and his influence brought to an end a long period of murderous party strife. He sponsored the reform of the currency and promoted the Irish linen trade. The Toleration Act (1689) fell short of his wishes, but in spite of many frustrations he did his utmost to promote religious toleration. In 1689, of his own free will, he granted independence to the judiciary, a grant later given statutory permanence by the Act of Settlement (170001).

      Contemporaries acclaimed William a great soldier, although he was not, in fact, a very fortunate general. But the Dutch and British armies that Marlborough inherited to continue the war against Louis were at least in part his creation. Though a martinet with his soldiers, he won and kept their devotion by his personal bravery and his concern for their well-being. A life of gruelling public activities left him little leisure for other pursuits, but he deserves mention as a patron of the arts. On his private estates he was an enlightened lord of the manor in his concern for the welfare of his tenants and the maintenance of his lands; in his private charities he was particularly concerned to help refugees.

      Though reserved in manner, and sometimes irritable and ungracious, partly as a result of ill health and overwork, he could also show himself kindly, courteous, and forbearing, and he had the gift of winning and keeping love. His wife, Mary, was devoted to him, and he to her, although he was not always an easy nor a strictly faithful husband. He became more withdrawn after the shock of her death in 1694. Of his mistress Elizabeth Villiers little is known, except that she was loyal, discreet, and apparently not unduly mercenary. A legend of William's homosexuality does not stand up to examination.

Nesca A. Robb

Additional Reading
William's life between 1672 and 1702 is so closely interwoven with the history of Europe that most historians of the period dealt with some of its aspects. The more recent biographies in English are Nesca A. Robb, William of Orange: A Personal Portrait, 2 vol. (196366); and Stephen B. Baxter, William III (1966), which together give a fairly rounded picture. The bibliography of the latter work has been published separately. Tony Claydon, William III and the Godly Revolution (1996, reissued 2003), is a powerful political and cultural analysis. N. Japikse, Prins Willem III, de Stadhouder-Koning, 2 vol. (193035), is the standard life in Dutch. In English no full-scale life of William has appeared since A.H. Trevor, Life and Times of William III, 2 vol. (183536), a very inaccurate work. Brief biographies exist by H.D. Traill, William the Third (1888); G.J. Renier, William of Orange (1932); and David Ogg, William III (1956). N. Japikse (ed.), Correspondentie van Willem III en van Hans Willem Bentinck, 5 vol. (192737), is invaluable for the period.John S. Morrill

king of The Netherlands
Dutch  in full Willem Alexander Paul Frederik Lodewijk  
born Feb. 19, 1817, Brussels
died Nov. 23, 1890, Apeldoorn, Neth.
 conservative king of The Netherlands and grand duke of Luxembourg (184990) who was influential in forming Dutch ministries until 1868 but was unable to prevent liberal control of the government.

      The eldest son of King William II, William married his cousin Sophia, daughter of King William I of Württemberg, in 1839 and succeeded to the throne in 1849. He opposed the constitution of 1848, which created a parliamentary form of government, but was nevertheless forced to allow Johan Thorbecke (Thorbecke, Johan Rudolf), major proponent of the constitution, to head the new government. Thorbecke resigned in 1853 when William adopted, against the government's wishes, an anti-Catholic posture in the dispute over the proposed reestablishment of a Roman Catholic episcopal hierarchy with its archbishop at Utrecht. William's relations with his governments, however, remained strained.

      In 1867 William tried to sell his sovereignty over Luxembourg to France but yielded to Prussia's demand that the area be independent. At the same time he incorporated part of Limburg into The Netherlands. Following the Luxembourg crisis, his influence in Parliament declined markedly. After his first wife died in 1877, he married Emma of Waldeck-Pyrmont (1879), who served as regent in 1890 during the king's illness. Wilhelmina, his daughter by Emma, succeeded to the throne of The Netherlands on his death.

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