
/vil"euhm staht'/, n.
a seaport on the island of Curaçao, in the S West Indies: capital of the Netherlands Antilles. 152,000.

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City (pop., 1999 est.: 123,000), capital of the Netherlands Antilles, West Indies.

Located on the southern coast of Curaçao, it was founded in 1634. Willemstad contains many Dutch colonial buildings and is the site of the oldest (1732) synagogue in the Western Hemisphere. It became a major oil-refining centre after 1918; other industries include banking and tourism.

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Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles
 chief town of Curaçao and capital of the Netherlands Antilles, located on the southern coast of the island of Curaçao in the Caribbean Sea. It is divided into two parts by the Sint Anna Baai (Saint Anne Bay) leading to Schottegat Harbour. The two halves, Punda and Otrabanda (“Other Side”), are joined by the Koningin Emma Brug, or Queen Emma Pontoon Bridge, opened in 1888 and rebuilt in 1939; it underwent a major restoration in the early 21st century. A fixed bridge was completed in 1974. Willemstad is a Caribbean centre of trade, petroleum storage and refining, tourism, and banking. The town has many Dutch-style gabled houses. Important buildings include Fort Amsterdam (1635), which once guarded the entrance to Schottegat Harbour and is now the seat of government; the Dutch Reformed Church (1769); and the Mikvé Israel-Emanuel Synagogue (1732), the oldest synagogue in continuous use in the Western Hemisphere. Attractions include the Museum Kurá Hulanda, which chronicles the history of African empires, the slave trade, and the experiences of Africans in the Western Hemisphere. The Curaçao Museum, which features traditional and contemporary art, is the island's oldest museum. In 1997 the inner city and harbour of Willemstad were designated a World Heritage site. Pop. (2001 est.) urban agglom., 125,000.

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