- Wigglesworth
/wig"euhlz werrth'/, n.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Wigglesworth — [ wɪglzwəːθ], Michael, amerikanischer Theologe und Autor, * in Yorkshire 18. 10. 1631, ✝ Malden (Massachusetts) 27. 5. 1705; kam 1638 mit seinen Eltern nach Neuengland. Nach dem Studium an der Harvard University war er als Mediziner und Pastor… … Universal-Lexikon
Wigglesworth — Michael Wigglesworth (* 18. Oktober 1631 vermutlich in Yorkshire, England; † 10. Juni 1705 in Malden, Massachusetts) war ein neuenglischer Theologe, Prediger und Dichter. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Literatur 2.1 Werksausgaben … Deutsch Wikipedia
Wigglesworth — infobox UK place country = England static static image caption = latitude = 54.00814 longitude = 2.2914 official name = Wigglesworth population = shire district= Craven shire county = North Yorkshire region = Yorkshire and the Humber constituency … Wikipedia
Wigglesworth — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Patronymie Richard Wigglesworth (né en 1983) est un joueur de rugby à XV anglais. Smith Wigglesworth (1859 1947) était un personnage religieux britannique … Wikipédia en Français
Wigglesworth — This unusual and interesting surname is of Anglo Saxon origin, and is locational from a place so called in the North Riding of Yorkshire. The placename was recorded as Winchelesworde in the Domesday Book of 1086, and as Wicleswrthe in the Fine… … Surnames reference
Wigglesworth, Sir Vincent — ▪ British entomologist born April 17, 1899, Kirkham, Lancashire, Eng. died Feb. 11, 1994, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire English entomologist, noted for his contribution to the study of insect physiology. His investigations of the living insect… … Universalium
Wigglesworth, Michael — ▪ American theologian and writer born Oct. 18, 1631, Yorkshire?, Eng. died June 10, 1705, Malden, Mass. [U.S.] British American clergyman, physician, and author of rhymed treatises expounding Puritan doctrines. Wigglesworth emigrated… … Universalium
Wigglesworth Building — Infobox nrhp | name =Wigglesworth Building nrhp type = caption = location= Boston, Massachusetts lat degrees = 42 lat minutes = 21 lat seconds = 18 lat direction = N long degrees = 71 long minutes = 3 long seconds = 29 long direction = W locmapin … Wikipedia
Wigglesworth, Sir Vincent Brian — ▪ 1995 British entomologist (b. April 17, 1899, Kirkham, Lancashire, England d. Feb. 11?, 1994, Cambridge, England), pioneered in the study of insect physiology; he was particularly respected for his research into the role of hormones in… … Universalium
Wigglesworth , Sir Vincent Brian — (1899–1994) British entomologist Born at Kirkham in England, Wigglesworth was educated at Cambridge University and at St. Thomas s Hospital, London. He subsequently held posts as lecturer in medical entomology at the London School of Hygiene and… … Scientists