
/wik"ee up'/, n.
1. (in Nevada, Arizona, etc.) an American Indian hut made of brushwood or covered with mats.
2. Western U.S. any rude hut.
Also, wickyup, wikiup.
[1850-55, Amer.; earlier and still dialectally applied to the bark- or mat-covered wigwams of the Upper Great Lakes Indians < Fox wi·kiya·pi house < Proto-Algonquian *wi·kiwa·mi; cf. WIGWAM]

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Native American dwelling
also called  wigwam 
 indigenous North American dwelling characteristic of many Northeast Indian peoples and in more limited use in the Plains, Great Basin, Plateau, and California culture areas. The wickiup was constructed of tall saplings driven into the ground, bent over, and tied together near the top. This dome-shaped framework was covered with large overlapping mats of woven rushes or of bark that were tied to the saplings. Relatively easy to construct and maintain, a typical wickiup was some 1520 feet (4.56 metres) in diameter. The terms wickiup and wigwam both meandwellingand derive, respectively, from the Fox and Abenaki languages. By the early 21st century, wickiup had become the preferred term among many Native Americans because wigwam was believed to play into a stereotype.

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  • wickiup —    (WIK ee up) [Fox: house] Among the nomadic Native American tribes in the western and southwestern United States, a loosely constructed hut made of brushwood or similar material. By extension, any rude hut.    See also wigwam …   Dictionary of foreign words and phrases

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