- well-browned
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
well-browned — adj … Useful english dictionary
well-tanned — /ˈwɛl tænd/ (say wel tand) adjective 1. tanned skilfully. 2. of people, thoroughly browned by exposure to the sun. Also, (especially in predicative use), well tanned /wɛl ˈtænd/ (say wel tand) …
French bread — noun a crusty sourdough bread often baked in long slender tapered loaves or baguettes • Hypernyms: ↑white bread, ↑light bread • Hyponyms: ↑baguet, ↑baguette * * * noun Usage: usually capitalized F Etymology … Useful english dictionary
Cajun cuisine — predominate, and preparation is simple. An authentic Cajun meal is usually a three pot affair, with one pot dedicated to the main dish, one dedicated to steamed rice, skillet cornbread, or some other grain dish, and the third containing whatever… … Wikipedia
Searing — (or pan searing) is a technique used in grilling, roasting, braising, sautéing, etc. that cooks the surface of the food (usually meat, poultry or fish) at high temperature so that a caramelized crust forms. A similar technique, browning, is… … Wikipedia
Crackling — Crac kling (kr?k kl?ng), n. 1. The making of small, sharp cracks or reports, frequently repeated. [1913 Webster] As the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool. Eccl. vii. 6. [1913 Webster] 2. The well browned, crisp rind… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Duck confit — with salad Confit de canard from Café du Marché in Paris … Wikipedia
French bread — a yeast raised bread made of dough containing water and distinguished by its thick, well browned crust, usually made in long, slender, tapered loaves. Cf. baguette (def. 3). [1680 90] * * * … Universalium
Cajun — ☆ Cajun or Cajan [kā′jən ] n. [< ACADIAN] 1. a native of Louisiana originally descended from Acadian French immigrants 2. the dialect of French spoken by the Cajuns adj. 1. of the Cajuns or their dialect or culture 2. of or in the style of… … English World dictionary
étouffée — [ā΄to͞o fā′] n. [Fr, a stew < étouffer, to smother: see STIFLE1] a Cajun stew, typically of crayfish or shrimp that are smothered and simmered in a sauce of vegetables, spices, and a well browned roux and served over rice … English World dictionary