weather eye

weather eye
1. sensitivity and alertness to signs of change in the weather.
2. a steady and astute watchfulness, esp. alertness to change.
3. keep one's or a weather eye open, to be on one's guard; be watchful: He kept a weather eye open for new political developments.

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  • weather eye — n. 1. an eye alert to signs of changing weather 2. a close watch for change of any kind [to keep a weather eye on a touchy situation] keep one s weather eye open to be on the alert; stay on guard …   English World dictionary

  • weather eye — {n.} 1. Eyes that can tell what the weather will be. * /Grandfather s weather eye always tells him when it will rain./ 2. Eyes ready or quick to see; careful watch. Usually used in phrases like keep a weather eye on , open , or out for . * /Mrs.… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • weather eye — {n.} 1. Eyes that can tell what the weather will be. * /Grandfather s weather eye always tells him when it will rain./ 2. Eyes ready or quick to see; careful watch. Usually used in phrases like keep a weather eye on , open , or out for . * /Mrs.… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • weather\ eye — noun 1. eyes that can tell what the weather will be. Grandfather s weather eye always tells him when it will rain. 2. eyes ready or quick to see; careful watch. Usually used in phrases like keep a weather eye on , open , or out for . Mrs. Brown… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Weather Eye — The Weather Eye is a trade name for the patented Nash Motors designed fresh air automotive heating system first used in 1938. This Conditioned Air System is characterized by a cowl mounted outside air receiver that then passes fresh air through a …   Wikipedia

  • weather eye — /ˈwɛðər aɪ/ (say wedhuhr uy) noun 1. ability to forecast the weather: *But George, he cocks a weather eye / Above the trees. Sez he: Take heart / You ain t been noticin the sky / I reckon somethin s about to start, –c.j. dennis, 1928. –phrase 2.… …  

  • weather eye — noun vigilant attentiveness he keeps a weather eye open for trouble • Syn: ↑watchfulness, ↑vigilance • Derivationally related forms: ↑vigilant (for: ↑vigilance), ↑watchful …   Useful english dictionary

  • weather eye — Synonyms and related words: X ray eye, custodianship, custody, eagle eye, gimlet eye, guard, guardedness, guardianship, invigilation, keen eye, lookout, monitoring, observance, peeled eye, penetrating eye, proctoring, prudence, qui vive, sea legs …   Moby Thesaurus

  • weather eye — noun Date: 1829 1. an eye quick to observe coming changes in the weather 2. constant and shrewd watchfulness and alertness …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • weather eye — weath′er eye n. 1) sensitivity and alertness to signs of change in the weather 2) astute watchfulness, esp. alertness to change …   From formal English to slang

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