
/wosh"oh, waw"shoh/, n.
b. 1965, female chimpanzee, first ape trained to communicate with humans by means of a sign language.

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      North American Indian people of the Great Basin (Great Basin Indian) region who made their home around Lake Tahoe in what is now California, U.S. Their peak numerical strength before contact with settlers may have been 1,500. Linguistically isolated from the other Great Basin Indians (Great Basin Indian), they spoke a language of the Hokan language (Hokan languages) stock.

      Traditionally, the Washoe were fishers, hunters of small mammals, and gatherers of pine nuts, acorns, and various roots and berries. They depended on deer and antelope for food, for clothing, and for hides to cover their cone-shaped dwellings. They were especially noted for their superb basketry.

      Traditionally, the basic socioeconomic unit of the Washoe was the extended family. During winter this group would reside together; the able-bodied members migrated each summer into the eastern valleys in search of roots, berries, and small game. Goods and services were distributed in various ways: through familial sharing, in gift and ceremonial exchange at feasts for motives of prestige and good relations, and in ritual gift giving at important stages of the life cycle.

       shamanism was an important part of traditional Washoe life. A shaman, or medicine man or woman, was believed to be able to cause and cure disease. Complex rituals celebrating important stages of the life cycle were also reported.

      Some 2,000 Washoe descendants were reported in 21st-century population estimates.

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