- wahine
1. (in Hawaii and Polynesia) a girl or young woman.2. Slang. a young woman surfer.[1835-45; < Polynesian]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Wahine — Wahine, the Maori and Hawaiian word for woman , can mean:* Kihe Wahine, a Polynesian goddess * A female surfer * Any of several ships named Wahine, one of which foundered in the Wahine disaster during the Wahine storm . * Mana Wahine Te Ira… … Wikipedia
wahine — ☆ wahine [wä hē′nā, wä hē′nē ] n. [Haw or Maori, woman: for Proto Polynesian form see VAHINE] a Polynesian woman, esp. of Hawaii … English World dictionary
Wahine — Zufahrt des Wellington Harbour mit dem Barrett Reef, photographiert von Seatoun aus. Im Hintergrund das unbewohnte Ostufer, an dem die meisten Menschen zu Tode kamen Die Wahine war eine neuseeländische Fähre, die am 10. April 1968 bei Sturm im… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Wahine disaster — The TEV Wahine lists heavily to starboard as it sinks in Wellington Harbour. Lifeboats from the ship can be seen to the left. The Wahine disaster occurred on 10 April 1968 when the TEV Wahine, a New Zealand inter island ferry of the Union Company … Wikipedia
Wahine (ship) — * TSS Wahine (1913 1951) was an inter island ferry that ran between Lyttelton and Wellington, New Zealand. It was used as a minelayer in the first world war, and saw active service as a troop ship during World War II.… … Wikipedia
wahine — noun Etymology: Maori & Hawaiian, woman Date: 1773 1. a Polynesian woman 2. a female surfer … New Collegiate Dictionary
wahine — wa|hi|ne [ wə hini ] noun count NEW ZEALAND a Maori woman or wife … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
wahine — n. Hawaiian or Maori woman or young girl; (Slang) woman surfer … English contemporary dictionary
wahine — (wah HEE nee) [Polynesian] In Hawaii and Polynesia, a girl or young woman … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
wahine — [wα: hi:ni] noun NZ a Maori woman or wife. Origin from Maori … English new terms dictionary