
Wafdist, n., adj.
/wahft/, n.
a nationalist party in Egypt.
[ < Ar: lit., deputation]

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in full  Al-wafd Al-miṣrī 

      (Arabic:Egyptian Delegation”), nationalist political party that was instrumental in gaining Egyptian independence from Britain. Organized by Saʿd Zaghlūl (Zaghlūl, Saʿd) on Nov. 13, 1918, as a permanent delegation of the Egyptian people, it demanded a voice in London and at the peace conferences following World War I. In March 1919 the British temporarily exiled its leaders Saʿd Zaghlūl, Ismāʿīl Ṣidqī, and Ḥāmid al-Bāsil. With the creation of anindependentEgypt by Great Britain on Feb. 28, 1922, the Wafd organized itself as a political party in September 1923; it called for internal autonomy, constitutional government, civil rights, and Egyptian control of both the Sudan and the Suez Canal. It won 90 percent of the seats in the first Chamber in the elections of 1924, and a Wafdist government was installed. After Egypt gained complete independence in 1936, Wafd governments were in constant conflict with the king.

      About 1937 the Wafd organized the League of Wafdist Youth (Rabitat ash-Shubbān al-Wafdiyyīn) in order to train future members. The league became a source for the Wafd's paramilitary organization, the Blueshirts, which had its fascist counterpart in the Greenshirts. Until the dissolution of all political parties by the Revolution Command Council in 1953, the party controlled four daily and four weekly newspapers.

      The Wafd party was reconstituted in February 1978 in accordance with President Anwar el-Sādāt's legalization of a multiparty system, but in June of that year the party dissolved itself and its remaining members in the People's Assembly became independents.

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