
/waw"bash/, n.
1. a river flowing from W Ohio through Indiana, along part of the boundary between Indiana and Illinois, into the Ohio River. 475 mi. (765 km) long.
2. a city in N Indiana. 12,985.

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      city, seat (1835) of Wabash county, northeastern Indiana, U.S., on the Wabash River, 45 miles (72 km) west-southwest of Fort Wayne. It was platted in 1834 on land ceded to the U.S. government by the Potawatomi and Miami Indians in the Treaty of Paradise Spring, signed on a local hilltop in 1826. The Wabash and Erie Canal reached the area in the 1830s, stimulating the community's growth. Wabash was one of the world's first electrically lighted cities (1880). It is now an agricultural trade centre with light industry, including the manufacture of batteries, measuring devices, aluminum, rubber, and paper products. The Wabash County Historical Museum in Memorial Hall (built in 1899 as a tribute to Union veterans) has Indian and American Civil War relics. Nearby are the Honeywell Center (the former estate of industrialist Mark C. Honeywell and his wife, Eugenia), Salamonie River State Forest, and the state recreational areas of Salamonie and Mississinewa lakes. Inc. 1866. Pop. (2000) 11,743; (2005 est.) 11,209.

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