- vulgus
/vul"geuhs/, n., pl. vulguses for 2.1. the common people; masses.2. an exercise in Latin formerly required of English public-school pupils.[1680-90; < L]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Vulgus — Éditeur Capcom Développeur Capcom Date de sortie Mai 1984 … Wikipédia en Français
Vulgus — Vulgus, das gemeine Volk, der große Hause … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
vulgus — index mass (body of persons) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
VULGUS — vide supra Plebs, Populus etc … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Vulgus — Infobox VG title= Vulgus caption= Vulgus title screen developer= Capcom publisher= Capcom released= September 10, 1984 genre= Vertical Scrolling shooter modes= One or two players, alternating platforms= Arcade, PC Windows In Capcom Generation 3 … Wikipedia
Vulgus — Latin word used in documents for the Commons of parliament. Later the word came to be applied to the general public. [< Lat. vulgus = the common people] … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
vulgus — noun Etymology: probably alteration of obsolete vulgars English sentences to be translated into Latin Date: 1856 a short composition in Latin verse formerly common as an exercise in some English public schools … New Collegiate Dictionary
Vulgus — (лат.), народ, т. е. самая широкая общность людей. Распространение среди народа различных мнений низводит их на относительно низкий уровень. В силу этого происходит перемещение первоначального понятия «народ» к семантич. ряду «множество… … Словарь античности
vulgus — n. crowd, mass (Latin); scholastic exercise in Latin … English contemporary dictionary
vulgus — n the masses, the common people, com monalty, the working class, the lower class, the huddled masses, the multitude, the mob, the populace; the common man, the man in the street; peasants, proletariat, rank and file, plebians, the hoi polloi;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder