
/vuy tooh"peuh rayt', -tyooh"-, vi-/, v.i., v.t., vituperated, vituperating.
to use or address with harsh or abusive language; revile.
[1535-45; < L vituperatus (ptp. of vituperare to spoil, blame), equiv. to vitupera(re) (vitu-, var. (before a labial) of viti-, s. of vitium blemish, VICE1 + -perare, comb. form of parare to furnish, provide; see PREPARE) + -tus ptp. suffix; see -ATE1]
Syn. censure, vilify, berate.
Ant. praise, commend.

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  • Vituperate — Vi*tu per*ate (?; 277), v. t. [L. vituperatus, p. p. of vituperare to blame, vituperate; vitium a fault + parare to prepare. See {Vice} a fault, and {Pare}, v. t.] To find fault with; to scold; to overwhelm with wordy abuse; to censure severely… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • vituperate — (v.) 1540s, from L. vituperatus, pp. of vituperare (see VITUPERATION (Cf. vituperation)). Not in common use until the beginning of the 19th c. [OED]. Related: Vituperated; vituperating …   Etymology dictionary

  • vituperate — revile, berate, rate, upbraid, *scold, tongue lash, jaw, bawl, chew out, wig, rail Analogous words: condemn, denounce, censure, blame, reprehend, reprobate (see CRITICIZE): vilify, asperse, traduce, *malign, calumniate: *execrate, objurgate… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • vituperate — [v] criticize harshly abuse, accuse, asperse, bark at*, bawl out*, berate, blame, calumniate, castigate, censure, chew out*, condemn, curse, denounce, find fault, growl, insult, lambaste*, lash, malign, rail, rate, reproach, revile, rip into*,… …   New thesaurus

  • vituperate — [vī to͞o′pər āt΄, vito͞o′pər āt΄; vītyo͞o′pər āt΄, vityo͞o′pər āt΄] vt. vituperated, vituperating [< L vituperatus, pp. of vituperare, to blame < vitium, a fault, VICE1 + parare, to PREPARE] to speak abusively to or about; berate; revile… …   English World dictionary

  • vituperate — verb ( ated; ating) Etymology: Latin vituperatus, past participle of vituperare, from vitium fault + parare to make, prepare more at pare Date: 1542 transitive verb to abuse or censure severely or abusively ; berate intransitive verb to use harsh …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • vituperate — verb a) To criticize in a harsh or abusive manner; to overwhelm with wordy abuse; to censure severely or abusively; to rate. b) To use harsh or abusive wording. Syn …   Wiktionary

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  • vituperate — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. vilify, abuse, revile; reproach, inveigh (against), rebuke, scold, upbraid; objurgate, tongue lash. See detraction, disapprobation. II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) v. scold, berate, censure, verbally …   English dictionary for students

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