- Vitruvius Pollio
—Vitruvian, adj./vi trooh"vee euhs pol"ee oh'/
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Vitruvĭus Pollĭo — Vitruvĭus Pollĭo, Kriegsbaumeister unter Cäsar und Augustus, von dem er auf Verwendung von dessen Schwester Octavia im Alter eine lebenslängliche Pension erhielt, verfaßte zwischen 16 und 13 v. Chr. nach griechischen Quellen und eigner Erfahrung… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Vitruvius Pollio — Vitruvĭus Pollĭo, Marcus, röm. Baumeister und Schriftsteller unter Cäsar und Augustus; schrieb: »De architectura«, neu hg. von Rose (2. Aufl. 1899), deutsch von Reber (1864) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
VITRUVIUS Pollio (M.) — M. VITRUVIUS Pollio parentum curâ liberalibus disciplinis ab ineunte aetate fuit institutus, Encyclopaediamque absolvit, quod ipse fatetur in libri sexti prooemio. Iulio Caesari fuit non ignotus, post cuius obitum ab Octavia fratri Augusto… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
VITRUVIUS POLLIO, Marcus — (c. 80 BC c. 25 BC) Vitruvius was an Ancient Roman architect and engineer famous for his treatise on construction called De architectura, known today as The Ten Books on Architecture. Little is known of the life or architectural constructions… … Historical Dictionary of Architecture
VITRUVIUS, POLLIO — Roman architect and engineer; wrote on architecture, lived in the days of Augustus … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Vitruvius Pollio — Vi•tru•vi•us Pol•li•o [[t]vɪˈtru vi əs ˈpɒl iˌoʊ[/t]] n. big Marcus, fl. 1st century b.c., Roman architect, engineer, and author … From formal English to slang
Vitruvius Pollio — /vɪˌtruviəs ˈpɒlioʊ/ (say vi.troohveeuhs poleeoh) noun Marcus, lived in the 1st century BC, Roman architect, engineer, and author. –Vitruvian, adjective …
Vitruvius Pollio — Vitruvian, adj. /vi trooh vee euhs pol ee oh / Marcus, fl. 1st century B.C., Roman architect, engineer, and author … Useful english dictionary
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio — (Renaissance Portrait) Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (auch: Vitruv oder Vitruvius) war ein römischer Architekt, Ingenieur und Schriftsteller des 1. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
VITRUVIUS POLLIO, Marcus — (first century BC) The Roman architectural writer, best known for his De Re Architectura, who defined various attributes of Etruscan architecture, including the Tuscan order … Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans