- vinegar
—vinegarlike, adj./vin"i geuhr/, n.1. a sour liquid consisting of dilute and impure acetic acid, obtained by acetous fermentation from wine, cider, beer, ale, or the like: used as a condiment, preservative, etc.2. Pharm. a solution of a medicinal substance in dilute acetic acid, or vinegar.3. sour or irritable speech, manner, or countenance: a note of vinegar in his voice.4. Informal. vigor; high spirits; vim.
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Probably first made from wine (French vinaigre means "sour wine"), vinegar may also be made from malted barley, rice, cider, or other substances. The source substance, which must contain sugar, is fermented by yeast to produce alcohol. The alcohol is then aerated, which causes it to convert, through the action of Acetobacter bacteria, to acetic acid, water, and various other compounds. Vinegar is used in pickling meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables and in creating marinades, dressings, and other sauces.* * *
▪ foodsour liquid that is made by the fermentation of any of numerous dilute alcoholic (alcohol) liquids into a liquid containing acetic acid. Vinegar may be produced from a variety of materials: apples or grapes (wine or cider vinegar); malted barley or oats (malt vinegar); and industrial alcohol (distilled white vinegar). There are also vinegars made from beer, sugars, rice, and other substances. As a commercial product, however, vinegar was probably first made from wine (French vin, “wine”; aigre, “sour”).Vinegar can be made from any liquid that is capable of being converted into alcohol in a two-step process. The fruit juice or other liquid contains sugar, which is converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide gas by the actions of yeast enzymes. The alcohol thus formed combines with atmospheric oxygen by the action of Acetobacter bacteria, forming acetic acid and water. Organic acids and esters derived from the fruit or other source material are also present and are responsible for the flavour and aroma variations of vinegar. Table vinegar contains approximately 4 percent acetic acid.In 1864 the French physicist Louis Pasteur showed that it is Acetobacter bacteria that cause the conversion of alcohol to acetic acid. These bacteria work together symbiotically, producing enough acetic acid to prevent invasion by other organisms.Despite its ancient origin, the technology of vinegar production advanced slowly, improvements consisting principally of better methods of aeration. The Orleans process, best-known of the old methods, used a barrel of about 50 gallons (200 l) capacity. A mash consisting of wine or other alcoholic liquid was poured into the barrel, and a small amount of vinegar containing a mass of vinegar bacteria, called mother of vinegar, was added to start the reaction. One or two small air holes drilled above the liquid level exposed the surface to aeration. The finished vinegar was drawn off through a wooden spigot near the bottom. Care was taken in refilling the barrel with the new charge of raw ingredients to avoid breaking up the surface film of bacteria.Early in the 18th century, a Dutch technologist, Hermann Boerhaave, found that the rate of acid production in the vinegar process was directly proportional to the amount of surface exposed to air. Thus, subsequent methods attempted to introduce more air into the casks. In the 20th century, continuous aeration—air bubbles pumped through the mash—was developed.Vinegar's principal uses are the flavouring of foods and the preservation, or pickling, of meat products, fish, fruit, and vegetables. For use as a condiment, vinegar is often flavoured with garlic, onions, tarragon, or other herbs and spices. Mixed with oil and seasonings it becomes a classic cold sauce—vinaigrette—used as a dressing on vegetable salads and served as a sauce with cold cooked vegetables, meats, and fish. Vinegar is also a common ingredient in marinades and is widely used in the pickling of cucumbers and other vegetables.* * *
Universalium. 2010.