
/vi jil"ee euhs/, n.
died A.D. 555, pope 537-555.

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born before 500, , Rome
died June 7, 555, Syracuse, Sicily

      pope from 537 to 555, known for his major role in what later was called theThree Chapters Controversy,” a complex theological dispute between the Eastern and Western churches.

      Vigilius, of noble birth, became a Roman deacon and was with Pope St. Agapetus I during the latter's unsuccessful mission in March 536 to Constantinople to deter the Byzantine emperor Justinian I the Great from reconquering Italy. At Constantinople, Agapetus died on the following April 22, and Vigilius ingratiated himself with Justinian's wife, the empress Theodora. With her, Vigilius schemed the deposition of Pope St. Silverius (Silverius, Saint), who had been elected in June 536 as Agapetus' successor.

      Silverius was deposed by the Byzantine general Belisarius, who, on Theodora's orders, entered Rome on Dec. 9, 536, and replaced him with Vigilius. Silverius was exiled and appealed to Justinian, but upon his return to Rome from Constantinople Silverius was forcefully banished by Vigilius and subsequently died, probably late in 537. Vigilius thus succeeded him as pope.

      Meanwhile, Rome had been devastated by the Ostrogoths, and the Eastern Church was torn between orthodoxy and Monophysitism. While faced with a restoration of Rome, Vigilius turned to the ecclesiastical dilemma pressing Justinian. The Eastern conflict was between the orthodox view accepted at the Council of Chalcedon (451) that Christ's divine and human natures coexist and the Monophysite teaching that emphasized his divine nature. The conflict was further complicated by a political problem: if Justinian condemned Monophysitism, he would lose the Monophysite provinces of Syria and Egypt.

      The Emperor attempted a compromise by issuing an edict in 544 condemning three writings (chapters) that were opposed by the Monophysites. His edict roused an outcry in the West, thus causing theThree Chapters Controversy.” In November 545 Justinian forced Vigilius to go to Constantinople, where, despite brutal imperial pressure to condemn the writings, Vigilius long vacillated. Finally, he censured with reservations the Three Chapters in his Judicatum (“Verdict”) in April 548, causing such adverse reaction in the West that Justinian decided to convoke a general council. Without waiting for the council to convene, however, Justinian repeated his own condemnation, whereupon Vigilius severed relations with him. For his personal safety, Vigilius took refuge first in a sanctuary at Constantinople and then at Chalcedon, from where he issued censures against certain high ecclesiastics who supported Justinian. The council opened in 553 without the Pope and confirmed the sentence passed against the Three Chapters.

      Vigilius' Constitutum (“Resolution”) of May 24, 553, withheld ratification of the council's decision. Succumbing to lassitude, to the appeals of the Romans for his return, and to the ill treatment to which Justinian was subjecting him, however, Vigilius decided to revoke his first Constitutum and sign a second on Feb. 23, 554, which gave pontifical approbation to the council's verdict. At this point, he lost the support of his nuncio Pelagius I (later his successor), who had been with him throughout the ordeal at Constantinople but who now deserted him. Vigilius then excommunicated Pelagius, who was subsequently imprisoned.

      The Pope died on the trip home and was buried at Rome. The Western schism resulting from his Eastern policies raged on for 150 years.

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