
/vyen/, n.
1. a city in SE France, on the Rhone River, S of Lyons: Roman ruins. 28,753.
2. a department in W France. 357,366; 2720 sq. mi. (7045 sq. km). Cap.: Poitiers.

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      town, Isère département, Rhône-Alpes région, southeastern France. It lies along the Rhône River where the latter is joined by the Gère River, about 20 miles (32 km) south of Lyon. In ancient times Vienne was the capital of the Celtic tribe known as the Allobroges. It was conquered by the Romans in 121 BC and was subsequently one of the most important towns of Gaul until Roman rule of the area ended in AD 275. Late in the 9th century the town became part of the Holy Roman Empire, and it was transferred to French sovereignty in 1450.

      The old town lies in a depression that is surrounded by steep hills. Vienne is among the richest French repositories of Roman and medieval buildings. The town's Roman temple dates from the early 1st century AD. It became a Christian church in the 5th century, was used as a club for the Jacobins during the French Revolution (178799), and was restored to its original aspect in 1860. The ruined Roman theatre on the slopes of nearby Mount Pipet could seat more than 13,000 spectators and is still used for theatrical performances. In the centre of the town, excavations in the 1960s and '70s uncovered the walls of a 1st-century theatre and temple consecrated to the Eastern divinity Cybele. On the right bank of the Rhône, excavations have uncovered Roman residential and industrial quarters extending over 10 acres (4 hectares).

      Vienne has three important medieval churches. Near the Rhône Bridge is the 9th-century Church of Saint-André-le-Bas, which was rebuilt in the 12th13th century. The former Abbey Church of Saint-Pierre was begun in the 4th century and is one of the oldest Christian churches in France. It now houses a museum of Roman sculptures and other antiquities. The largest church in the town is Saint-Maurice Cathedral, which was built in the 12th15th century.

      Vienne, once a centre for the textile industry, now has a range of industries, including metallurgy and the manufacture of vehicle components and electrical appliances. Tourism is important because of its Roman monuments. Vienne serves as a dormitory suburb for Lyon. Pop. (1999) 29,975; (2005 est.) 30,600.

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Universalium. 2010.

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