
/vuy kooh"neuh, -kyooh"-, vi-, vi kooh"nyeuh/, n.
1. a wild South American ruminant, Vicugna vicugna, of the Andes, related to the guanaco but smaller, and yielding a soft, delicate wool: an endangered species, now increasing in numbers.
2. a fabric of this wool or of some substitute, usually twilled and finished with a soft nap.
3. a garment, esp. an overcoat, of vicuna.
Also, vicuña.
[1585-95; < Sp vicuña < Quechua wik'uña]

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South American lamoid (see alpaca), the smallest species (Vicugna vicugna) in the camel family, found in semiarid grasslands of the central Andes at altitudes of 12,000–16,000 ft (3,600–4,800 m).

The remarkably long, soft, lustrous coat is cinnamon to white; a dense, silky, white fleece hangs from the flanks and base of the neck. Vicuñas are about 36 in. (90 cm) high and weigh over 100 lbs (50 kg). Small bands of females, led by a male, graze on low grasses, ruminate while at rest, and spit often and noisily. They mark their territory with communal dung heaps. Vicuñas are untamable but have been hunted for centuries; they are now protected as an endangered species.

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      (Lama, or Vicugna, vicugna), South American member of the camel family, Camelidae (order Artiodactyla), that is closely related to the alpaca, guanaco, and llama (known collectively as lamoids). Depending on the authority, the llama, alpaca, and guanaco may be classified as distinct species of llama (Lama glama). Because of differences in the incisor teeth, however, some authorities place the vicuña in a separate genus, Vicugna. Most vicuñas inhabit Peru, with smaller numbers found in Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina.

      The vicuña is covered with a remarkably long, fine, soft, and lustrous coat that varies in colour from light cinnamon to a pale white, with long white fleece hanging from the lower flanks and the base of the neck. The annual yield of fleece sheared from domesticated vicuñas shows a wide range of from 85 to 550 g (3 to 20 ounces) per animal. Vicuña fibre is strong and resilient, but it is highly sensitive to chemicals and is generally used in its natural colour. The costly fibre is made into high-priced coats, dressing gowns, and shawls.

      The dense, silky fleece of the vicuña, once reserved for the Incan nobility, provides excellent insulation against the temperature fluctuations the animal encounters in its natural habitat: semiarid grasslands in the central Andes at altitudes of 3,600–4,800 m (12,000–16,000 feet).

      A swift, graceful animal, the vicuña is the smallest of the camelids, with a shoulder height of about 90 cm (36 inches) and a weight of about 50 kg (110 pounds). When in danger, they emit a high, clear whistle. Vision and hearing are more highly developed than their sense of smell.

      Like guanacos, vicuñas are wild, with temperaments that preclude domestication. The animals graze on low grasses and ruminate while resting. They travel in small bands of females, usually led by a male who acts as lookout and defends his territory against intruders. Vicuñas use communal dung heaps to mark their territorial boundaries. They spit frequently and noisily, like all lamoids. A single young, born in February about 11 months after the parents have mated, remains close to the mother for at least 10 months. The life expectancy is about 15 to 20 years.

      Vicuñas have been hunted for centuries with a resulting decline in numbers. The Inca rounded the animals up, sheared their wool, and then released them; they also killed some for meat. In Spanish colonial times greater numbers of the animals were hunted and killed, and though protective legislation was introduced in the 19th century, poaching continued to reduce their total numbers, which declined from a million in Incan times to only about 10,000 by the late 1960s. Subsequent conservation efforts managed to increase the population to more than 80,000 by the late 20th century. The vicuña is listed as vulnerable in the Red Data Book and is now protected effectively in South American countries.

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Universalium. 2010.

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