- Victory ship
a fast, turbine-powered cargo ship of World War II, having a capacity of about 11,000 dead-weight tons.[1940-45, Amer.]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Victory ship — Victory ships Alignement de Victory et Liberty ships à la California Shipbuilding Corporation, avril 1944 Type Cargos polyvalents Histoire Lancement 12 janvier 1944 … Wikipédia en Français
Victory ship — tatus of remaining Victory shipsSeveral are now museum ships:* SS American Victory * SS Lane Victory * SS Red Oak Victory A few are laid up in the National Defense Reserve Fleet. : Status indicated is as of 2008 07 31 MARAD inventory. At Beaumont … Wikipedia
Victory ship — a fast, turbine powered cargo ship of World War II, having a capacity of about 11,000 dead weight tons. [1940 45, Amer.] * * * victory ship noun A successor to the liberty ship • • • Main Entry: ↑victor * * * Victory ship, a cargo ship similar to … Useful english dictionary
Victory ships — Victory ship Victory ships Alignement de Victory et Liberty ships à la California Shipbuilding Corporation … Wikipédia en Français
Victory (disambiguation) — Victory may refer to: *Victory, successful conclusion of a fight or competition. **strategic victory **tactical victory ** Pyrrhic victory, a victory at heavy cost to the victorious party **Victory columns **Victory Monuments **Victory… … Wikipedia
Victory-Schiff — USS Liberty (ex Simmons Victory), 1967 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Victory — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le terme Victory a servi à dénommer plusieurs patronymes, toponymes, éléments ou œuvres à travers le monde. Sommaire 1 Toponymes 2 Colonnes e … Wikipédia en Français
Victory in the Pacific — is a board wargame published by the Avalon Hill game company in 1977. Based on the game system first used in War at Sea , also published by Avalon Hill, the game deals with the Pacific Theater of Operations of World War II. A two player game that … Wikipedia
Victory — Victory, HMS the British ship that Admiral Nelson used in 1805 when his navy won the important sea battle against the French and Spanish near Cape Trafalgar … Dictionary of contemporary English
victory — victoryless, adj. /vik teuh ree, vik tree/, n., pl. victories. 1. a success or triumph over an enemy in battle or war. 2. an engagement ending in such triumph: American victories in the Pacific were won at great cost. 3. the ultimate and decisive … Universalium