
/vish"ee/; Fr. /vee shee"/, n.
1. a city in central France: provisional capital of unoccupied France 1940-1942; hot springs. 32,251.
2. (often l.c.) See vichy water.

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      town, Allier département, Auvergne région, central France. It lies on the east bank of the Allier River. Vichy is renowned as one of the largest spas in France. The town, largely modern and with a profusion of hotels, is separated from the river by parks surrounding the two extensive bathing establishments.

      Known to the Romans as Vicus Calidus, Vichy acquired fame for its alkaline springs in the 17th century. The families of successive French kings set the pattern of visits kept up by Napoleon III in the 19th century. In the 20th century the number of visitors grew to more than 130,000 a year. Following the Franco-German Armistice in 1940, it was at Vichy that Marshal Philippe Pétain set up his collaborationist government, known thereafter as the Vichy (Vichy France) government.

      Modern-day Vichy remains a tourist destination and service centre, especially for visitors seeking health benefits from its thermal baths. There is also some light industry. Bottled water from Vichy is exported throughout the world. Pop. (1999) 26,528; (2005 est.) 26,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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