Verner's law

Verner's law
the statement by K. Verner of a regularity behind some apparent exceptions in the Germanic languages to Grimm's law, namely, that Proto-Germanic voiceless fricatives became voiced when between voiced sounds if the immediately preceding vowel was not accented in Proto-Indo-European.

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      linguistic explanation of the apparent exceptions to Grimm's law (q.v.), which first demonstrated the significant role that accent (stress) played in linguistic change in the Germanic languages. It provided further evidence for the important claim of 19th-century linguists that phonetic laws have no exceptions and proved to be a decisive influence in establishing the direction taken by the Neogrammarian (q.v.) school of historical linguistics. This law, one of the greatest discoveries in historical linguistics, was first presented in an article, “Eine Ausnahme der ersten Lautverschiebung” (“An Exception to the First Sound Shift”), in the Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung of July 1875, by the Danish linguist Karl Verner. (Verner, Karl)

      Grimm's law stated that the Indo-European p, t, and k sounds changed into f, th or d, and h in the Germanic languages. Verner noticed that Grimm's law was valid whenever the accent fell on the root syllable of the Sanskrit cognate, but, when the accent fell on another syllable, the Germanic equivalents became b, d, and g. This was also the case with s and r. Technically, this rule states that in the Germanic branch of Indo-European, all non-initial voiceless fricatives (spirants) became voiced between voiced sounds if they followed an unaccented syllable in Indo-European or Sanskrit. For example, Sanskrit bhrātar, with the accent on the root syllable, corresponds to Gothic brōþar, but Sanskrit pitā, accented on the final syllable, corresponds to Gothic fadar.

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  • Verner's law — Verner s law, stated by Karl Verner in 1875, describes a historical sound change in the Proto Germanic language whereby voiceless fricatives * f , * þ , * s and * x , when immediately following an unstressed syllable in the same word, underwent… …   Wikipedia

  • Verner's law — Ver ner s law (Philol.) A statement, propounded by the Danish philologist Karl Verner in 1875, which explains certain apparent exceptions to Grimm s law by the original position of the accent. Primitive Indo European k, t, p, became first in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Verner's law — [vʉr′nərz, ver′nərz] n. [formulated (1875) by Karl Verner (1846 96), Dan philologist] an explanation for a series of apparent exceptions to Grimm s law, stating that the Proto Germanic word medial voiceless spirants (f, th, h, s), derived from… …   English World dictionary

  • Verner's law — noun a qualification of Grimm s law • Hypernyms: ↑sound law * * * Verner s law see law n.1 17 c …   Useful english dictionary

  • Verner's law — Ver′ner s law′ n. ling. a statement of the regularity behind some apparent exceptions in the Germanic languages to Grimm s law, namely, that Proto Germanic voiceless fricatives became voiced when occurring between voiced sounds if the immediately …   From formal English to slang

  • Verner's law — /ˈvɜnəz lɔ/ (say vernuhz law) noun an account explaining apparent exceptions to Grimm s law by showing their dependence on the position of word stress in primitive Indo European; explains, for example, the apparent irregular development of Indo… …  

  • Verner's law — noun Etymology: Karl A. Verner Date: 1878 a statement in historical linguistics: in medial or final position in voiced environments and when the immediately preceding vowel did not bear the principal accent in Proto Indo European, the Proto… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Verner — may refer to:* Verner (name), people with the given name or surname * Verner, Ontario, town near Sturgeon Falls, Canada * The Lillian Verner Game Show, American popular recurring skit on MADtv * Verner s law, historical sound change in the Proto… …   Wikipedia

  • Verner, Karl — ▪ Danish linguist in full  Karl Adolf Verner  born March 7, 1846, Århus, Den. died Nov. 5, 1896, Copenhagen       linguist and formulator of Verner s law, which provided convincing evidence of the regularity of sound change in the historical… …   Universalium

  • Verner'sLaw — Ver·ner s Law (vûrʹnərz, vĕrʹ ) n. A law stating essentially that Proto Germanic noninitial voiceless fricatives in voiced environments became voiced when the previous syllable was unstressed in Proto Indo European. For example, both the th and… …   Universalium

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